- 人人生来平等。
All men are created equal.
- 所有语言都是平等的,但英语比其他语言更平等。
All languages are equal, but English is more equal than the others.
- 现在不止要男女薪金平等,而且还要平均分配家务。
Nowadays, equal pay is not enough, household responsibilities must also be distributed evenly.
- 所有的语言都是平等的,但英语是所有语言中最平等的。
All languages being equal, English is the most equal of all.
- 每一个孩子都应该享有平等的学习机会。
It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.
- 法律面前人人平等。
Everybody is equal before the law.
- 法律之前人人平等。
All men are equal under the law.