

  • law



  • 严以己, 宽以待人。
    Pardon all but thyself.
  • 的目标是正义。
    The objective of law is justice.
  • 触犯法的人受到惩罚。
    People who break the law are punished.
  • 遵守法是我们的义务。
    It is our duty to obey the law.
  • 我们无论如何也应该遵守法
    We should always act in obedience to the law.
  • 并不总是公平的。
    The law is not always fair.
  • 尊重法是我们社会的基础。
    Respect for law is fundamental to our society.
  • “要雇用一个好的师?“ Al-Sayib问。
    "To hire a good lawyer?" Al-Sayib asked.
  • 如果你违反了法, 你将受到惩罚。
    You will be punished if you break the law.
  • 不应受到侵犯。
    The law should not be violated.
Chinese Tones