- 邮局在图书馆旁边。
The post office is adjacent to the library.
- 他们围在壁炉旁边。
They gathered about the fireplace.
- 我坐在他旁边。
I sat by his side.
- 他在她的旁边。
He is at her side.
- 我家的旁边建了一栋高楼。
A tall building was built next to my house.
- 请用 HB 铅笔把正确答案旁边的圆圈填满。
Blacken the circles next to the correct answers with an HB pencil.
- 她在火旁边让自己暖和起来。
She warmed herself by the fire.
- 他在他弟弟旁边显得很年轻。
He looked young beside his brother.
- 坐在我旁边的男人跟我说话了。
The man sitting next to me spoke to me.
- 只是从他旁边走过去我就觉得害怕。
I get scared just walking past him.