shí guāng


  • time
  • era
  • period of time



  • 时光荏苒。
    Time flies.
  • 时光荏苒。
    Time flies.
  • 我们如何来探测时光的推移?
    How do we detect the passage of time?
  • 我有一段美好的旧时光
    I had a fine old time.
  • 如果你有一台时光机⋯⋯
    Imagine that you have a time machine.
  • 这张照片让我想起童年的快乐时光
    This photograph reminds me of enjoyable times when I was a child.
  • 这张照片带我回到我的童年时光
    The photo takes me back to my childhood days.
Chinese Tones