- 她开朗的个性使我觉得快乐。
I get a kick out of her cheerful personality.
- 当我离开家的时候天空很明朗。
The sky was clear when I left home.
- 她的脸上总是挂著开朗的微笑。
She is always bright and smiling.
- 布朗夫人写了一本关於政治的书。
Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics.
- 最先登上珠穆朗玛峰的人是谁?
Who first reached the summit of Mt. Everest?
- 我把你认成布朗太太了。
I took you for Mrs. Brown.
- 我希望今天的天气是晴朗的。
I wish it were fine today.
- 一个从俄勒冈州来的朋友,布朗先生明天会来拜访我们。
Mr. Brown a friend from Oregon, will visit us tomorrow.
- 世界上任何山峰都达不到珠穆朗玛峰的高度。
No other mountain in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest.