qī wàng


  • to have expectations
  • to earnestly hope
  • expectation
  • hope



  • 英国期望每个人都会尽义务。
    England expects that every man will do his duty.
  • 期望能在圣诞节见到你。
    I hope I can see you at Christmas.
  • 她没有辜负我们的期望
    She lived up to our expectations.
  • 他父母对他期望过高。
    His parents expect too much of him.
  • 我们期望能再见到你。
    We look forward to seeing you again.
  • 你对你的孩子期望过高。
    You expect too much of your child.
  • 当你提出一个问题,你期望得到答案。
    When you pose a question, you expect an answer.
  • 要孩子满足父母的期望总是很难的。
    It is always difficult for a son to live up to the expectations of his parents.
  • 期望 Cobb 小姐回来的唯一一人。
    The only person who is tired of waiting for Miss Cobb.
  • 海豚和驯养员交流得比我们所期望的好得多。
    The dolphin and trainer communicated much better than we expected.
Chinese Tones