- 根本不可能买到这么贵的车子。
Buying such an expensive car is out of the question.
- 他赚那么多钱,根本用不完。
He earns more money than he can spend.
- 我根本不把你放在眼里!
I look down on you!
- 这个世界上有些事物根本不能用言语形容。
There are things in this world which simply cannot be expressed in the form of words.
- 从根本上说,十二生肖的形成,与动物崇拜有关。
On a fundamental level, the 12 forms of the Chinese zodiac are related to animal worship.
- 他发现他上学学的东西,在商界根本派不上用场。
He found that the things he had studied in school were not useful in the business world.
- 很可能等待着我们的幸福根本不是我们要的那种幸福。
It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want.