- 这个价格含了税。
This amount includes tax.
- 请填这个表格。
Fill out this form, please.
- 严格地说你错了。
Strictly speaking, you are wrong.
- 我当然有资格这么说啦。
I am certainly entitled to speak like this.
- 他严格按照原则办事。
He is a stickler for principles.
- 他对懒惰的人很严格。
He is very hard on lazy people.
- 他被取消了参赛资格。
He was disqualified from the competition.
- 我的计划是参观苏格兰的古堡。
My plan is visiting old castles in Scotland.
- 严格来说,地球不是圆的。
Strictly speaking, the earth is not round.
- 他为考试及格感到高兴。
He was happy to have passed the examination.