- 你见过熊猫吗?
Have you ever seen a panda?
- 熊猫很聪明。
Pandas are very clever.
- 熊猫以竹为食。
Pandas feed on bamboo grass.
- 他就是这么杀了那头大熊。
This is how he killed the big bear.
- 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。
You cannot eat your cake and keep it.
- 大熊猫只能在中国找到。
Giant pandas live only in China.
- 他们在雪地里找到了熊的脚印。
They found the track of a bear in the snow.
- 可能你们中的许多人在动物园都看过熊猫。
Maybe a few of you have seen pandas in the zoo.
- 在那里,人们把熊猫训练得能表演许多东西。
There, pandas have been trained to perform dozens of items.
- 熊为了找肥虫,把所有石子都翻过了。
The bear left no stone unturned in his search for fat bugs under the rocks.