- 系统是线性的吗?
Is the system linear?
- 你是不是跟长岛家有关系的?
Are you related to the Nagashima family?
- 英国必须改善自己的火车网状系统问题。
The UK must improve the problems with its rail network.
- 他是利兹大学的英文系教授。
He is a professor of English at Leeds.
- 这个系统存在着许多缺陷和不尽完善的地方。
This system is bristling with defects and drawbacks.
- Linux是一个免费的操作系统。你应该去试用一下。
Linux is a free operating system; you should try it.
- 彼此必须一辈子努力,才能把感情维系好。
Each of you must work hard for a lifetime, and only then will you be able to maintain a relationship.
- Windows是世界上使用得最多的操作系统。
Windows is the most used operating system in the world.
- 没关系。
No problem.
- 它和这个问题有点关系。
It has some bearing on this problem.