- 预防胜于治疗。
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
- 行胜于言。
Deeds are better than words.
- 我们战胜了敌人。
We defeated the enemy.
- 我们大获全胜。
We were completely victorious.
- 健康胜过财富。
Health is better than wealth.
- 这是你们的胜利。
This is your victory.
- 我爱你胜过她。
I love you more than I love her.
- 胜败是兵家常事。
Both victory and defeat are but an everyday occurrence to a soldier.
- 我喜欢旧车胜于新车。
I like the old car more than the new.
- 单凭力量不能保证取胜。
Relying on strength alone cannot guarantee victory.