
  • beard
  • mustache
  • whiskers



  • 萝卜放在锅里。
    Put the carrots in the pot.
  • 萝卜我来切吧。
    Let me cut the carrots.
  • 白兔喜欢吃萝蔔。
    Rabbits like to eat carrots.
  • 请把盐和椒粉拿给我。
    Pass me the salt and pepper, please.
  • 乱把书本放在架上。
    He put the books on the shelf out of order.
  • 按口味加盐和椒粉。
    Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • 萝蔔中含有大量的维生素A。
    Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A.
  • 普京对锦涛说:“咱们必须帮吉尔吉斯斯坦”。。。不过那只是在我梦&
    "We need to help Kyrgyzstan," said Putin to Hu Jintao... in my dream.
  • 请刮一下子。
    Please shave my beard.
  • 你已经有子啦?
    Have you got a beard already?
Chinese Tones