- 后视镜跌了下来。
The rear-view mirror fell off.
- 米价下跌了。
The price of rice has come down.
- 在第三季时销售跌了下来。
Sales fell off in the third quarter.
- 他跌倒的时候受了伤。
He got hurt when he fell down.
- 股票价格跌至歷史新低。
Stock prices plunged to a record low.
- 再走一步的话,你就已经跌下楼梯了。
Another step, and you would have fallen down the stair.
- 当更多的纸币投入使用,价格就下跌了。
As more paper money came into use, the value fell.
- 一个大炸弹跌了下来,并夺走了很多人的生命。
A big bomb fell, and a great many people lost their lives.
- 温度计上的温度跌到了零度以下。
The thermometer went down below zero.