援交妹 | yuán jiāo mèi | prostitute (slang) / see also 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4] | |
援助协调 | | aid coordination | |
援助资金 | | aid money | |
援助预算 | | aid budget | |
援助条件 | | terms of aid / terms of assistance | |
援助项目 | | aid project / assistance project | |
援助方桉 | | aid programme / assistance programme | |
援助基金 | | Assistance Fund | |
援交小姐 | yuán jiāo xiǎo jie | girl who engages in enjo-kōsai / see also 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4] | |
援助范围 | yuán zhù fàn wéi | field of assistance | |
援助交际 | yuán zhù jiāo jì | Enjo-kōsai or "compensated dating", a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money or luxury gifts to women for their companionship and sexual favors | |
援助机构 | yuán zhù jī gòu | relief agency / emergency service / rescue organisation | |
援助流失 | yuán zhù liú shī | aid leakage | |
援助请求 | yuán zhù qǐng qiú | assistance request | |
援助人员 | yuán zhù rén yuán | aid worker | |
援助之手 | yuán zhù zhī shǒu | a helping hand | |
援助专家 | yuán zhù zhuān jiā | Assistance Expert | |
援助协调股 | | Aid Coordinating Unit | |
援助的分配 | | aid distribution | |
援助捐赠国 | | aid donor | |
援助捐赠者 | | aid donor | |
援助和补贴 | | aids and subsidies | |
援助管理厅 | yuán zhù guǎn lǐ tīng | Office of Aid Management | |
援助受害人 | yuán zhù shòu hài rén | victim assistance / survivor assistance | |
援助问责制 | yuán zhù wèn zé zhì | aid accountability | |
援助协调会议 | | Aid Coordination Meeting | |
援助请求评估 | | appraisal of requests for assistance | |
援助现实网络 | | Reality of Aid / Reality of Aid Network | |
援助行动国际 | | ActionAid International | |
援助管理平台 | yuán zhù guǎn lǐ píng tái | Aid Management Platform | |
援助民主小组 | yuán zhù mín zhǔ xiǎo zǔ | Aid-For-Democracy Group | |
援助吸收能力 | yuán zhù xī shōu néng lì | aid absorption capacity / absorbing capacity | |
援助一致性股 | yuán zhù yī zhì xìng gǔ | Aid Coherence Unit | |
援外社国际协会 | | CARE International | |
援助评价专家组 | | Expert Group on Aid Evaluation | |
援助与合作基金 | | Fund for Aid and Cooperation | |
援助协调员会议 | | meeting of aid coordinators | |
援助受害人小组 | | Victim Support | |
援助请求汇总表 | yuán zhù qǐng qiú huì zǒng biǎo | Matrix of assistance requests | |
援助乍得圆桌会议 | | round table on assistance to Chad | |
援助巴基斯坦特使 | | Special Envoy for Assistance to Pakistan | |
援助东欧民主政体 | | Support for Eastern European Democracies | |
援助越南孤儿协会 | | Association de soutien aux orphelins du Viet Nam | |
援助非洲全球联盟 | yuán zhù fēi zhōu quán qiú lián méng | Global Coalition for Africa | |
援助管理协调委员会 | | Aid Management Coordination Committee | |
援助责任工作组会议 | | Working Group Meeting on Aid Accountability | |
援助难民协调委员会 | | Coordinating Committee on Assistance to Refugees | |
援助贫穷者协商小组 | yuán zhù pín qióng zhě xié shāng xiǎo zǔ | Consultative Group to Assist the Poor | |
援助莫桑比克特别账户 | | Special Account for Assistance to Mozambique | |
援助博茨瓦纳特别账户 | | Special Account for Assistance to Botswana | |
援助残疾子女家庭协会 | | Association for Assistance to Families with Disabled Children | |
援助转型国家信托基金 | | Trust Fund For Assistance to Countries in Transition | |
援助巴勒斯坦人民方桉 | | Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People | |
援助管理和问责制框架 | | Aid Management and Accountability Framework | |
援助新独立国家工作队 | | Task Force on Assistance to Newly Independent States | |
援助非洲儿童国际会议 | | International Conference on Assistance to African Children | |
援助波匈经济改革方案 | yuán zhù bō xiōng jīng jì gǎi gé fāng àn | Poland-Hungary Aid for the Reconstruction of the Economy | |
援助非洲饥荒紧急方案 | yuán zhù fēi zhōu jī huāng jǐn jí fāng àn | African Famine Emergency | |
援助实效问题巴黎宣言 | yuán zhù shí xiào wèn tí bā lí xuān yán | Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonisation, Alignment, Results and Mutual Accountability / Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness | |
援助最贫穷者协商小组 | yuán zhù zuì pín qióng zhě xié shāng xiǎo zǔ | Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest | |
援助阿富汗残疾人委员会 | | Committee on Assistance to Disabled Afghans | |
援助实效问题高级别论坛 | | High-Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness (Harmonization, Alignment, and Results) / High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness | |
援助阿富汗重建国际会议 | | International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan | |
援助受害者组织全国协会 | | National Association of Victims Support Schemes | |
援助非洲难民协调委员会 | | Coordinating Committee for Assistance to Refugees in Africa | |
援助撒哈拉以南非洲战略 | | Strategy of Assistance to sub-Saharan Africa | |
援助巴勒斯坦人民工作队 | | Task Force for the Palestinian People | |
援助巴勒斯坦人民协调股 | | Coordination Unit for Assistance to the Palestinian People | |
援助利比里亚重建国际会议 | | International Reconstruction Conference for Liberia | |
援助受战争影响的青年项目 | | War-Affected Youth Support project | |
援助塔吉克斯坦共和国基金 | | Fund for Assistance to the Republic of Tajikistan | |
援助和化学武器防护区域网 | | Chemical Weapons Regional Assistance and Protection Network | |
援助非洲难民国际会议工作队 | | Task Force on the International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa | |
援助巴勒斯坦人民机构间会议 | | inter-agency meeting on assistance to the Palestinian people | |
援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员 | | Coordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon | |
援助殖民地国家和人民信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Assistance to Colonial Countries and Peoples | |
援助莫桑比克登记政党信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Assistance to Registered Political Parties in Mozambique | |
援助非政府组织的订正政策指针 | | Revised Policy Guidelines for Assistance to NGOs | |
援助被占领土巴勒斯坦人特别基金 | | Special Fund for Palestinians in the Occupied Territories | |
援助黎巴嫩重建和发展协调员办公室 | | Office of the Coordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon | |
援助乍得北部地区恢复捐助者圆桌会议 | | donor round table on assistance in the rehabilitation and of northern Chad | |
援助酷刑受害者联合国自愿基金董事会 | | Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | |
援助发生饥荒和营养不良的国家信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Countries Afflicted by Famine and Malnutrition | |
援助受海湾危机影响最严重国家特别方桉 | | Special Programme of Assistance to Countries Most Affected by the Gulf Crisis | |
援助发展中国家中最不发达国家特别账户 | | Special Account for Assistance to the Least Developed among Developing Countries | |
援助受害者重返生活经济生活常设委员会 | | Standing Committee on Victim Assistance and Socio-Economic Reintegration | |