大灰狼 | dà huī láng | big bad wolf |  |
黄鼠狼 | huáng shǔ láng | see 黃鼬|黄鼬[huang2 you4] |  |
白眼狼 | bái yǎn láng | thankless wretch / an ingrate |  |
豺狼座 | Chái láng zuò | Lupus (constellation) |  |
大野狼 | dà yě láng | big bad wolf |  |
金刚狼 | Jīn gāng láng | Wolverine, comic book superhero |  |
天狼星 | Tiān láng xīng | Sirius, a double star in constellation Canis Major 大犬座 |  |
雪狼湖 | xuě láng hú | Snow |  |
鬼哭狼嚎 | guǐ kū láng háo | to wail like ghosts and howl like wolves (idiom) |  |
引狼入室 | yǐn láng rù shì | to show the wolf into the house (idiom) / to introduce a potential source of trouble |  |
杯盘狼藉 | bēi pán láng jí | cups and dishes in complete disorder (idiom) / after a riotous drinking party |  |
豺狼当路 | chái láng dāng lù | ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom) / wicked people in power / a vicious tyranny rules the land |  |
豺狼当涂 | chái láng dāng tú | ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom) / wicked people in power / a vicious tyranny rules the land |  |
豺狼虎豹 | chái láng hǔ bào | jackals, wolves, tigers and panthers (idiom) / animals who are dangerous to man and cattle / fierce and cruel people |  |
鬼哭狼嗥 | guǐ kū láng háo | variant of 鬼哭狼嚎[gui3 ku1 lang2 hao2] |  |
如狼似虎 | rú láng sì hǔ | lit. like wolves and tigers / ruthless |  |
声名狼藉 | shēng míng láng jí | to have a bad reputation |  |
豺狼当道 | chái láng dāng dào | ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom) / wicked people in power / a vicious tyranny rules the land |  |
豺狼塞路 | chái láng sāi lù | ravenous wolves block the road (idiom) / wicked people in power / a vicious tyranny rules the land |  |
大尾巴狼 | dà yǐ ba láng | (coll.) person who puts on an act: feigning ignorance, pretending to be solicitous, acting innocent etc |  |
防狼喷雾 | fáng láng pēn wù | pepper spray |  |
中山狼传 | Zhōng shān Láng Zhuàn | The Wolf of Zhongshan, fable by Ma Zhongxi 馬中錫|马中锡[Ma3 Zhong1 xi1] |  |
红斑性狼疮 | hóng bān xìng láng chuāng | lupus erythematosus |  |
前怕狼后怕虎 | qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ | lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind (idiom) / fig. to be full of needless fears / reds under the beds |  |
黄鼠狼给鸡拜年 | huáng shǔ láng gěi jī bài nián | Beware of suspicious folk bearing gifts, they are sure to be ill-intentioned. (idiom) |  |
全身性红斑狼疮 | quán shēn xìng hóng bān láng chuāng | systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) |  |
前门打虎,后门打狼 | qián mén dǎ hǔ , hòu mén dǎ láng | to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom) / fig. facing one problem after another |  |
前门拒虎,后门进狼 | qián mén jù hǔ , hòu mén jìn láng | to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom) / fig. facing one problem after another |  |
舍不得孩子套不住狼 | shě bù de hái zi tào bù zhù láng | one who is not prepared to risk his child will never catch the wolf (proverb) / (fig.) one who is unwilling to take risks will not achieve great things |  |
黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心 | huáng shǔ láng gěi jī bài nián , méi ān hǎo xīn | see 黃鼠狼給雞拜年|黄鼠狼给鸡拜年[huang2 shu3 lang2 gei3 ji1 bai4 nian2] |  |
天狼星全球动物慈善信托基金会 | | Sirius Global Animal Charitable Trust |  |