海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会 | hǎi wān ā lā bó guó jiā hé zuò wěi yuán huì | Cooperation | |
合作 | hé zuò | to cooperate / to collaborate / to work together / cooperation / CL:個|个[ge4] | |
协作 | xié zuò | cooperation / coordination | |
交汇 | jiāo huì | variant of 交匯|交汇 / to flow together / confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads) / (international) cooperation | |
协和 | xié hé | to harmonize / harmony / cooperation / (music) consonant | |
总社 | zǒng shè | cooperative (organisation) / cooperation (e.g. between companies) | |
交彙 | jiāo huì | variant of 交匯|交汇 / to flow together / confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads) / (international) cooperation | |
合作协议 | hé zuò xié yì | cooperation agreement | |
国际合作 | guó jì hé zuò | international cooperation | |
经合 | Jīng Hé | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) / abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织 | |
通力合作 | tōng lì hé zuò | to join forces / to give full cooperation | |
经合组织 | Jīng Hé Zǔ zhī | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD / abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织 | |
吴越同舟 | Wú Yuè tóng zhōu | Wu and Yue in the same boat (idiom) / fig. cooperation between natural rivals / to collaborate towards a common end / in the same boat together | |
对外贸易经济合作部 | Duì wài Mào yì Jīng jì Hé zuò bù | Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) | |
多边合作 | duō biān hé zuò | multilateral cooperation | |
欧洲安全与合作组织 | Oū zhōu An1 quán yǔ Hé zuò Zǔ zhī | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) | |
经济合作与发展组织 | Jīng jì Hé zuò yǔ Fā zhǎn Zǔ zhī | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) / abbr. to 經合組織|经合组织 | |
南亚区域合作联盟 | Nán Yà Qū yù Hé zuò Lián méng | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) | |
上海合作组织 | Shàng hǎi Hé zuò Zǔ zhī | Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) | |
亚太经济合作组织 | Yà Tài Jīng jì Hé zuò Zǔ zhī | Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization / APEC | |
上合 | Shàng Hé | SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) / abbr. for 上海合作組織|上海合作组织[Shang4 hai3 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1] | |
上合组织 | Shàng Hé Zǔ zhī | Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) | |
多边协定 | duō biān xié dìng | multilateral agreement / cooperation agreement between different parties | |
大湄公河次区域 | Dà Méi gōng hé cì qū yù | Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), area of economic cooperation between China and Vietnam | |
大湄公河次区域合作 | Dà Méi gōng hé cì qū yù hé zuò | Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), economic cooperation program between China and Vietnam | |
欧安组织 | Oū An1 Zǔ zhī | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), abbr. for 歐洲安全與合作組織|欧洲安全与合作组织[Ou1 zhou1 An1 quan2 yu3 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1] | |
欧洲安全和合作组织 | Oū zhōu An1 quán hé Hé zuò Zǔ zhī | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) | |
经济协力开发机构 | Jīng jì Xié lì Kāi fā Jī gòu | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) / also written 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织[Jing1 ji4 He2 zuo4 yu3 Fa1 zhan3 Zu3 zhi1] | |
印度洋海事合作会议 | | Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation Conference | |
亚洲太平洋经济合作组织 | yà zhōu tài píng yáng jīng jì hé zuò zǔ zhī | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | |
专利合作条约 | zhuān lì hé zuò tiáo yuē | Patent Cooperation Treaty | |
中亚合作组织 | | Organization of Central Asian Cooperation | |
华沙条约 | huá shā tiáo yuē | Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the People's Republic of Albania, the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the Hungarian People's Republic, the German Democratic Republic, the Polish People's Republic, the Romanian People's Repub | |
经济合作组织 | jīng jì hé zuò zǔ zhī | Economic Cooperation Organization | |
南南合作 | nán nán hé zuò | South-South cooperation | |
外交与国际合作部大臣 | | Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation | |
海事合作工作组 | hǎi shì hé zuò gōng zuò zǔ | working group on maritime cooperation | |
联合国南南合作会议 | | United Nations conference on South-South cooperation | |
塞拉利昂建设和平合作框架 | | Sierra Leone Peacebuilding Cooperation Framework | |
黑海经济合作 | hēi hǎi jīng jì hé zuò | Black Sea Economic Cooperation | |
主管发展和国际经济合作助理秘书长 | | Assistant Secretary-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation | |
特别政治问题和区域合作股 | | Unit for Special Political Questions and Regional Cooperation | |
联合国切尔诺贝利事件国际合作协调员 | | United Nations Coordinator of International Cooperation on Chernobyl | |
萨那合作论坛 | | Sana'a Forum for Cooperation | |
德国技术合作署 | | German Agency for Technical Cooperation | |
共同感兴趣的鱼类管理合作瑙鲁协定 | | Nauru Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Management of Fisheries of Common Interest / Nauru Agreement | |
合作框架 | hé zuò kuàng jià | framework of cooperation | |
撒哈拉以南非洲技术合作委员会 | | Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara | |
区域合作理事会 | | Regional Cooperation Council | |
东南欧合作进程 | dōng nán ōu hé zuò jìn chéng | South-East European Cooperation Process | |
过境运输合作问题部长级会议 | | Ministerial Meeting on Transit Transport Cooperation | |
印度洋海事合作组织 | yìn duó yáng hǎi shì hé zuò zǔ zhī | Organization for Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation | |
技术合作管理处 | | Technical Cooperation Management Service | |
韩国国际协力团 | hán guó guó jì xié lì tuán | Korea International Cooperation Agency | |
外勤业务和技术合作司 | | Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division | |
难民署-非统组织合作协定 | | UNHCR-OAU Agreement of Cooperation | |
国际关系与合作部部长 | | Minister of International Relations and Cooperation | |
南大西洋和平与合作区部长级会议 | | Ministerial Meeting of the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic | |
地中海安全和合作会议 | | Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean | |
政治和安全合作问题第一常设委员会 | | First Standing Committee on Political and Security-Related Cooperation | |
土地退化评估和绘图技术合作信托基金 | | Technical Cooperation Trust Fund on Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping | |
发展中国家间技术合作国际协商会议 | | International Consultative Meeting on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries | |
技术合作主任工作组 | | Technical Cooperation Administrator Working Group / TCA Working Group | |
巴勒斯坦欧洲教育学术合作计划 | | Palestinian European Academic Cooperation in Education | |
技术合作方桉 | | Technical Cooperation Programme | |
无选择性的合作 | | non-selective cooperation | |
亚非合作亚非论坛 | yà fēi hé zuò yà fēi lùn tán | Asia-Africa Forum for Asia-Africa Cooperation | |
日本海外经济合作基金 | rì běn hǎi wài jīng jì hé zuò jī jīn | Japanese Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund | |
伊斯兰会议组织和世界卫生组织合作安排 | | Arrangements for Cooperation between the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the World Health Organization | |
联合国和欧盟危机管理合作联合宣言 | | Joint Declaration on UN-EU Cooperation in Crisis Management | |
合作、宣传和方桉发展股 | | Cooperation, Advocacy and Programme Development Unit | |
技术合作管理股 | | Technical Cooperation Management Unit | |
经济重建、发展与合作工作会议 | | Working Table on Economic Reconstruction, Development and Cooperation | |
发展中国家间经济合作纲领 | | Programme of Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries | |
上海合作组织地区反恐机构 | | Shanghai Cooperation Organization Regional Antiterrorist Structure / SCO Regional Antiterrorist Structure | |
组织间合作科 | | Interorganizational Cooperation Section | |
方桉规划和技术合作司 | | Programme Planning and Technical Cooperation Division | |
日本非政府组织国际合作中心 | | Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation | |
跨界水域领域的合作原则 | | Principles Regarding Cooperation in the Field of Transboundary Waters | |
区域合作共同愿景第比利斯宣言 | | Tbilisi Declaration on a Common Vision for Regional Cooperation | |
养护热带生态系统南南合作方案 | yǎng hù rè dài shēng tài xì tǒng nán nán hé zuò fāng àn | South-South Cooperation Programme for the Conservation of Tropical Ecosystems | |
跨界水合作 | kuà jiè shuǐ hé zuò | transboundary water cooperation | |
技术合作促进发展部 | | Department of Technical Cooperation for Development | |
教育合作 | | Education cooperation | |
铁路合作组织 | tiě lù hé zuò zǔ zhī | Organization for Cooperation between Railways | |
联合安全协调与合作委员会 | | Joint Security Coordination and Cooperation Committee | |
发展和国际经济合作总干事 | | Director-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation | |
上海合作组织成员国多边经贸合作纲要 | | Plan for Multilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation of the SCO Member States | |
印度洋海事合作 | yìn duó yáng hǎi shì hé zuò | Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation | |
法国合作援助基金 | fǎ guó hé zuò yuán zhù jī jīn | Assistance Fund for French Cooperation | |
睦邻关系和合作原则宣言 | | Declaration of Principles on Good-Neighbourly Relations and Cooperation | |
信息学专门机构间合作区域网络 | | Regional Network for Cooperation among Institutions Specializing in Informatics | |
各国人口研究国际合作委员会 | | Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography | |
联合国人权领域技术合作自愿基金 | | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights | |
中国&mdash意大利环境保护合作计划 | | Sino-Italian Cooperation Programme for Environmental Protection | |
宗教间合作促进和平会议 | | Conference on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace | |
阿富汗区域经济合作会议 | | Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan | |
太平洋经济合作理事会 | | Pacific Economic Cooperation Council | |
联合国和国际海洋法法庭合作与关系协定 | | Agreement on Cooperation and Relationship between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea | |
兄弟友好合作和协调条约 | | Treaty of Brotherhood, Cooperation and Coordination | |