呼吁 | hū yù | to call on (sb to do sth) / to appeal (to) / an appeal | |
号召 | hào zhào | to call / to appeal | |
求助 | qiú zhù | to request help / to appeal (for help) | |
情趣 | qíng qù | inclinations and interests / delight / fun / interest / appeal | |
申诉 | shēn sù | to file a complaint / to appeal (to an authority, a higher court of justice etc) / complaint / appeal | |
上诉 | shàng sù | to appeal (a judicial case) / appeal | |
祈求 | qí qiú | to pray for / to appeal | |
诉诸 | sù zhū | to appeal (to reason, sentiment, charity etc) / to resort to (a course of action) | |
感召力 | gǎn zhào lì | appeal / attraction / charisma | |
韵 | yùn | the final (of a syllable) (Chinese phonology) / rhyme / appeal / charm / (literary) pleasant sound | |
审级 | shěn jí | appeal (to higher courts) | |
诉愿 | sù yuàn | to appeal / an appeal (law) | |
请援 | qǐng yuán | to request help / to appeal (for assistance) | |
性感 | xìng gǎn | sex appeal / eroticism / sexuality / sexy | |
吸引力 | xī yǐn lì | attractive force (such as gravitation) / sex appeal / attractiveness | |
韵味 | yùn wèi | implicit charm in rhyme or sound / hinted appeal / interest | |
诉求 | sù qiú | to demand / to call for / to petition / demand / wish / request / to promote one's brand / to appeal to (consumers) / (marketing) message / pitch | |
民事诉讼 | mín shì sù sòng | common plea / civil appeal (as opposed to criminal case) | |
色相 | sè xiàng | coloration / hue / sex / sex appeal | |
诗情画意 | shī qíng huà yì | picturesque charm / idyllic appeal / poetic grace | |
感召 | gǎn zhào | to move and appeal / to rally to a cause / to impel / to inspire | |
抗诉 | kàng sù | to protest against a verdict / to lodge an appeal | |
申冤 | shēn yuān | to appeal for justice / to demand redress for a grievance | |
登高一呼 | dēng gāo yī hū | to make a clarion call / to make a public appeal | |
呼吁美国 | hū yù měi guó | to call on the United States / to appeal to the U.S. | |
终审法院 | zhōng shěn fǎ yuàn | Court of Final Appeal | |
人见人爱 | rén jiàn rén ài | loved by all / to have universal appeal | |
申诉书 | shēn sù shū | written appeal | |
诉诸公论 | sù zhū gōng lùn | to appeal to the public | |
阿鲁沙呼吁 | | Arusha Appeal | |
紧急呼吁 | | emergency appeal | |
联合国......机构间联合呼吁 | | United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for... | |
联合国利比里亚问题机构间联合呼吁 | | United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Liberia | |
2004年人道主义呼吁 | | Humanitarian Appeal | |
南部非洲紧急抗旱联合呼吁 | | Consolidated Appeal for the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa | |
关于肯尼亚的联合国机构间特别联合呼吁 | | Special Consolidated United Nations Inter-Agency Appeal for Kenya | |
联合国紧急人道主义援助机构间联合呼吁 | | United Nations Inter-agency Consolidated Appeal for Emergency Humanitarian Assistance | |
关于伊拉克危机人道主义需要的紧急呼吁 | | Flash Appeal for the Humanitarian Requirements of the Iraq Crisis | |
黎巴嫩呼吁 | | Lebanon Appeal | |
关于非洲的紧急呼吁 | | Emergency Appeal for Africa | |
联合国援助布隆迪机构间临时联合呼吁 | | Interim United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Burundi | |
复杂紧急情况应急和联合呼吁程序处 | | Complex Emergency Response and Consolidated Appeal Process Branch | |
宗教间对话的麦加呼吁 | | The Mecca Appeal for Interfaith Dialogue | |
等待审判或上诉的人员的拘留规则 | | Rules Governing the Detention of Persons Awaiting Trial or Appeal | |
选举申诉小组委员会 | | Elections Appeal Sub-Commission | |
加勒比上诉法庭 | | Caribbean Court of Appeal | |
消除世界饥饿呼吁 | | Appeal against World Hunger | |
上诉的理由 | | ground for appeal / ground of appeal | |
订正人道主义援助呼吁 | | Revised Humanitarian Assistance Appeal | |
斯德哥尔摩呼吁 | | Stockholm Appeal | |
米特罗维察呼吁 | | Mitrovica Appeal | |
关于小武器的联合呼吁 | | Joint appeal on small arms | |
上诉许可 | shàng sù xǔ kě | leave to appeal | |
北南相互依存和团结行动呼吁马德里呼吁 | | Appeal for action on North-South interdependence and solidarity / Madrid Appeal | |
华沙和平呼吁书 | | Warsaw Peace Appeal | |
雅典呼吁书 | | Athens Appeal | |
威尼斯呼吁 | | Venice Appeal | |
消除恐怖主义吸引力政策中心 | | Center on Policies to Counter the Appeal of Terrorism | |
唤醒良知基金会 | | Appeal of Conscience Foundation | |
杜尚别水呼吁 | | Dushanbe Water Appeal | |
2005 年印度洋地震和海啸紧急呼吁 | | Indian Ocean Earthquake -Tsunami 2005 Flash Appeal | |
乔治敦和平呼吁 | | Georgetown Peace Appeal | |
联合国......机构间紧急联合呼吁 | | United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Flash Appeal for... | |
向阿富汗提供紧急人道主义援助联合呼吁 | | Consolidated Appeal for Emergency Humanitarian Assistance for Afghanistan | |
给大众传媒的呼吁书 | | Appeal to the Mass Media | |
订正联合呼吁 | | Revised Joint Appeal | |
海牙呼吁和平运动 | | The Hague Appeal for Peace | |
苏丹生命线行动第二阶段背景呼吁文件 | | Operation Lifeline Sudan Phase II Background Appeal Document | |
联合呼吁程序和财务支出核实处 | | Consolidated Appeal Process and Financial Tracking Branch | |
联合国卢旺达问题机构间联合呼吁 | | United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Rwanda | |
圣彼得堡呼吁 | | Saint Petersburg appeal | |
给大众传媒的哈拉雷呼吁 | | Harare Appeal to the Mass Media | |
难民署紧急援助非洲特别呼吁 | | UNHCR Special Appeal for Emergency Assistance in Africa | |
柬埔寨需求和国家恢复联合呼吁 | | Consolidated Appeal for Cambodia's Needs and National Rehabilitation | |
上诉权 | | right of appeal | |
东盟外长关于柬埔寨独立的联合呼吁 | | ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Joint Appeal for Kampuchean Independence | |
捐助呼吁 | | donor appeal | |
中间上诉 | | interlocutory appeal | |
利马呼吁 | | Lima Appeal | |
上诉律师 | | Appeal Counsel | |
哈瓦那呼吁 | | Havana Appeal | |
特设终审法院 | | Ad Hoc Court of Final Appeal | |
环境创设 | huán jìng chuàng shè | design of a learning environment for young children, incorporating artwork designed to appeal to them / abbr. to 環創|环创[huan2 chuang4] | |