骄傲 | jiāo ào | pride / arrogance / conceited / proud of sth | |
自负 | zì fù | conceited / to take responsibility | |
自恃 | zì shì | self-esteem / self-reliance / overconfident / conceited | |
头脑发胀 | tóu nǎo fā zhàng | swelling of the head (physical condition) / fig. swellheaded / conceited | |
矜贵 | jīn guì | high-born / noble / aristocratic / conceited | |
恣睢 | zì suī | (literary) reckless / unbridled / self-indulgent / conceited / overly pleased with oneself | |
恃才傲物 | shì cái ào wù | to be inordinately proud of one's ability / to be conceited and contemptuous (idiom) | |
狂妄自大 | kuáng wàng zì dà | arrogant and conceited | |
飘飘然 | piāo piāo rán | elated / light and airy feeling (after a few drinks) / smug and conceited / complacent | |
口出狂言 | kǒu chū kuáng yán | to speak conceited nonsense / to come out with arrogant claptrap | |
踶跂 | dì zhī | overconfident and conceited mannerisms | |
狂态 | kuáng tài | display of wild manners / scandalous scene / insolent and conceited manners | |
小人得志 | xiǎo rén dé zhì | lit. a vile character flourishes (idiom) / fig. an inferior person gets into a position of power, becoming conceited and arrogant |