危 险 wēi xiǎn danger / dangerous 险 恶 xiǎn è dangerous / sinister / vicious 凶 险 xiōng xiǎn dangerous / ruthless / treacherous 险 xiǎn danger / dangerous / rugged 殆 dài dangerous / perilous / to endanger / almost / probably / only 阽 diàn dangerous / also pr. [yan2] 阽 yán dangerous 陧 niè dangerous 不 安 全 bù ān quán unsafe / dangerous 虎 口 hǔ kǒu tiger's den / dangerous place / the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand 险 情 xiǎn qíng peril / dangerous circumstance 狂 风 暴 雨 kuáng fēng bào yǔ howling wind and torrential rain (idiom) / (fig.) difficult, dangerous situation 艰 险 jiān xiǎn difficult and dangerous / hardships and perils 险 阻 xiǎn zǔ dangerous and difficult (path) 洪 水 猛 兽 hóng shuǐ měng shòu lit. severe floods and fierce beasts (idiom) / fig. great scourges / extremely dangerous or threatening things 高 难 gāo nán extremely difficult / hard and dangerous / challenging 危 险 区 wēi xiǎn qū hazardous area / hazard area / dangerous area / hazard zone 危 境 wēi jìng dangerous situation / venerable old age 畏 途 wèi tú dangerous road / (fig.) perilous or intimidating undertaking 危 如 累 卵 wēi rú lěi luǎn precarious as pile of eggs (idiom) / ready to fall and break at any moment / in a dangerous state 磡 kàn dangerous sea-cliff 咬 人 狗 儿 不 露 齿 yǎo rén gǒu r bù lù chǐ lit. the dog that bites does not show its fangs (idiom) / fig. You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance. 视 为 畏 途 shì wéi wèi tú to view as dangerous (idiom) / afraid to do sth 豺 狼 虎 豹 chái láng hǔ bào jackals, wolves, tigers and panthers (idiom) / animals who are dangerous to man and cattle / fierce and cruel people 虎 尾 春 冰 hǔ wěi chūn bīng lit. like stepping on a tiger's tail or spring ice (idiom) / fig. extremely dangerous situation 危 楼 wēi lóu dangerous housing / building that is about to collapse 崒 zú rocky peaks / lofty and dangerous 危 途 wēi tú dangerous road 嗜 痂 成 癖 shì jiā chéng pǐ to have strange and dangerous addictions (idiom) 学 而 不 思 则 罔 , 思 而 不 学 则 殆 xué ér bù sī zé wǎng , sī ér bù xué zé dài To learn without thinking is confusing, to think without learning is dangerous (Confucius) 履 险 如 夷 lu:3 xiǎn rú yí lit. to make one's way through a dangerous pass as if walking on level ground (idiom) / fig. to handle a crisis effortlessly 险 球 xiǎn qiú dangerous ball (in soccer, volleyball etc) 革 兰 氏 阴 性 Gé lán shì yīn xìng Gram negative (bacteria that do not retain Gram stain, often the more dangerous kind) 鸟 道 niǎo dào a road only a bird can manage / steep dangerous road 卢 加 诺 公 约 Convention on Civil Liability for damage resulting from activities dangerous to the environment / Lugano Convention 国 际 铁 路 运 输 危 险 货 物 条 例 guó jì tiě lù yùn shū wēi xiǎn huò wù tiáo lì Regulations concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail 欧 洲 国 际 公 路 运 输 危 险 货 物 协 定 ōu zhōu guó jì gōng lù yùn shū wēi xiǎn huò wù xié dìng European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road 各 种 运 输 方 式 运 输 危 险 货 物 国 际 公 约 international convention on the transport of dangerous goods by all modes of transport 危 险 货 物 运 输 问 题 工 作 队 wēi xiǎn huò wù yùn shū wèn tí gōng zuò duì Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 欧 洲 国 际 内 河 运 输 危 险 货 物 协 定 ōu zhōu guó jì nèi hé yùn shū wēi xiǎn huò wù xié dìng European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways / ADN Agreement 危 险 货 物 运 输 问 题 专 家 委 员 会 Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 国 际 危 险 货 物 和 包 装 容 器 协 会 International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association 危 险 区 报 告 wēi xiǎn qū bào gào Dangerous Area Report 危 险 力 量 dangerous forces 国 际 内 陆 水 道 运 输 危 险 货 物 条 例 Regulations concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways 国 际 海 运 危 险 货 物 规 则 guó jì hǎi yùn wēi xiǎn huò wù guī zé International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code / IMDG Code 危 险 货 物 运 输 问 题 小 组 委 员 会 Sub-Committee on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods 危 险 货 物 运 输 问 题 专 家 小 组 委 员 会 Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods / TDG Subcommittee 危 险 货 运 小 组 委 员 会 Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods / TDG Subcommittee 关 于 危 险 物 品 运 输 的 建 议 Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods / Orange Book 橘 皮 书 jú pí shū Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods / Orange Book 危 险 货 物 运 输 问 题 专 家 组 wēi xiǎn huò wù yùn shū wèn tí zhuān jiā zǔ Group of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 危 险 货 物 运 输 专 家 委 员 会 Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals / Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 危 险 品 安 全 空 运 技 术 指 令 Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air 关 于 危 险 物 品 运 输 的 建 议 识 别 号 Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods identification number 危 险 货 物 咨 询 委 员 会 Dangerous Goods Advisory Council 危 险 货 物 wēi xiǎn huò wù dangerous good 危 险 货 物 小 组 wēi xiǎn huò wù xiǎo zǔ Dangerous Goods Panel 防 止 危 险 军 事 活 动 的 协 定 Agreement on the Prevention of Dangerous Military Activities 取 缔 非 法 贩 卖 危 险 药 品 公 约 Convention for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs 危 险 和 长 期 徒 刑 犯 问 题 国 际 比 较 讨 论 会 International Comparative Seminar on the Problem of Dangerous and Long-term Prisoners 崒 cuì jagged mountain peaks (poetic) / rocky peaks / lofty and dangerous 羊 入 虎 口 yáng rù hǔ kǒu lit. a lamb in a tiger's den (idiom) / fig. to tread dangerous ground 众 怒 难 犯 zhòng nù nán fàn (idiom) one cannot afford to incur public wrath / it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses 龙 潭 虎 穴 lóng tán hǔ xué lit. dragon's pool and tiger's den (idiom) / fig. dangerous place / hostile territory