金 融 jīn róng banking / finance / financial 财 政 cái zhèng finances (public) / financial 财 务 cái wù financial affairs 理 财 lǐ cái financial management / finance 手 下 shǒu xià under one's control or administration / subordinates / (money etc) on hand / sb's financial means / when taking action 风 暴 fēng bào storm / violent commotion / fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc) 资 助 zī zhù to subsidize / to provide financial aid / subsidy 财 务 管 理 cái wù guǎn lǐ financial management 金 融 机 构 jīn róng jī gòu financial institution / banking institution 投 机 tóu jī to speculate (on financial markets) / opportunistic / congenial / agreeable 证 券 市 场 zhèng quàn shì chǎng financial market 收 支 shōu zhī cash flow / financial balance / income and expenditure 财 力 cái lì financial resources / financial ability 第 一 季 度 dì yī jì dù first quarter (of financial year) 财 务 会 计 cái wù kuài jì financial accounting 手 头 shǒu tóu on hand / at hand / one's financial situation 开 源 kāi yuán to expand one's financial resources / abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3] 金 融 市 场 jīn róng shì chǎng financial market 家 境 jiā jìng family financial situation / family circumstances 第 三 季 度 dì sān jì dù third quarter (of financial year) 财 务 软 件 cái wù ruǎn jiàn financial software / accounting software 财 源 cái yuán financial resources / source of revenue 财 团 cái tuán financial group 杠 杆 gàng gǎn lever / pry bar / crowbar / financial leverage 第 四 季 度 dì sì jì dù fourth quarter (of financial year) 金 融 业 jīn róng yè financial sector / the banking business 财 务 报 表 cái wù bào biǎo financial statement 财 报 cái bào financial report 第 二 季 度 dì èr jì dù second quarter (of financial year) 财 务 报 告 cái wù bào gào financial report 财 务 状 况 cái wù zhuàng kuàng financial status 金 融 危 机 jīn róng wēi jī financial crisis 财 年 cái nián fiscal year / financial year 钱 庄 qián zhuāng old-style money shop (a type of private bank that first appeared in the Ming dynasty, flourished in the Qing, and was phased out after 1949) / (in recent times) informal financial company, often operating at the edges of what is legal 拮 据 jié jū hard pressed for money / in financial straits 金 融 时 报 Jīn róng Shí bào Financial Times 索 罗 斯 Suǒ luó sī Soros (name) / George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist 金 融 改 革 jīn róng gǎi gé financial reform 财 务 制 度 financial systems 财 务 审 计 financial audit 抚 恤 fǔ xù (of an organization that has a duty of care) to give financial support to relatives of sb who has died or suffered serious injury 年 表 nián biǎo timeline / chronology / annals / financial year / year 标 准 普 尔 Biāo zhǔn Pǔ ěr Standard and Poor's (S&P), company specializing in financial market ratings / S&P financial index 金 融 系 统 jīn róng xì tǒng financial system 破 财 pò cái bankrupt / to suffer financial loss 金 融 工 具 jīn róng gōng jù financial instrument 自 负 盈 亏 zì fù yíng kuī responsible for its profit and losses (of organization) / financially autonomous / personal financial responsibility 抵 偿 dǐ cháng to compensate / to make good (a financial loss) 家 道 jiā dào family financial circumstances 倒 把 dǎo bǎ to play the market / to speculate (on financial markets) / to profiteer 财 阀 cái fá plutocracy / monopolistic corporation, esp. prewar Japanese zaibatsu / Korean chaebol / plutocrat / tycoon / oligarch / financial magnate 财 权 cái quán property ownership or right / financial power / financial control 穆 迪 Mù dí Moody's, company specializing in financial market ratings 减 损 jiǎn sǔn to impair / to degrade / to decrease / to reduce / to weaken / to detract from / impairment (e.g. of financial assets) 投 契 tóu qì to get along well (with sb) / congenial / to speculate (on financial markets) 财 务 管 理 系 统 Financial Management System 金 融 交 易 financial transactions 赔 péi to compensate for loss / to indemnify / to suffer a financial loss 金 融 风 波 jīn róng fēng bō financial crisis / banking crisis 日 本 经 济 新 闻 Rì běn Jīng jì Xīn wén Nikkei Shimbun, Japanese equivalent of Financial Times 周 转 不 开 zhōu zhuǎn bù kāi to have financial difficulties / unable to make ends meet 上 海 环 球 金 融 中 心 Shàng hǎi Huán qiú Jīn róng Zhōng xīn Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC), skyscraper 世 界 金 融 中 心 Shì jiè Jīn róng Zhōng xīn World Financial Center (New York City) 北 京 环 球 金 融 中 心 Běi jīng Huán qiú Jīn róng Zhōng xīn Beijing World Financial Center, skyscraper 汇 业 财 经 集 团 Huì yè Cái jīng Jí tuán Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau) 均 线 指 标 jūn xiàn zhǐ biāo moving average index (used in financial analysis) 天 津 环 球 金 融 中 心 Tiān jīn Huán qiú Jīn róng Zhōng xīn Tianjin World Financial Center, skyscraper a.k.a. the Tianjin Tower or Jin Tower / abbr. to 津塔[Jin1 ta3] 家 景 jiā jǐng the family's financial circumstances 彭 博 通 讯 社 Péng bó Tōng xùn shè Bloomberg L.P., financial software services, news and data company 打 把 势 dǎ bǎ shi drill (in sword play) / to thrash around / to demonstrate gymnastic skills / to solicit financial help (in an indirect way) / to show off 抛 补 pāo bǔ cover (i.e. insurance against loss in financial deals) 津 塔 Jīn tǎ Jin Tower / abbr. for 天津環球金融中心|天津环球金融中心[Tian1 jin1 Huan2 qiu2 Jin1 rong2 Zhong1 xin1] Tianjin World Financial Center, skyscraper a.k.a. the Tianjin Tower 理 财 学 lǐ cái xué financial management science 盈 亏 自 负 yíng kuī zì fù responsible for its profit and losses (of organization) / financially autonomous / personal financial responsibility 移 动 平 均 线 yí dòng píng jūn xiàn moving average (in financial analysis) 移 动 平 均 线 指 标 yí dòng píng jūn xiàn zhǐ biāo moving average index (used in financial analysis) 纾 困 shū kùn to provide financial relief / to bail out (financially) / financial relief / bailout 财 务 再 保 险 cái wù zài bǎo xiǎn financial reinsurance / fin re 财 政 年 度 cái zhèng nián dù financial year / fiscal year (e.g. from April to March, for tax purposes) 路 透 金 融 词 典 Lù tòu jīn róng cí diǎn Reuter's Financial Glossary 金 融 区 jīn róng qū financial district 金 融 时 报 指 数 Jīn róng Shí bào zhǐ shù Financial Times stock exchange index (FTSE 100 or footsie) 金 融 杠 杆 jīn róng gàng gǎn financial leverage / leveraging (i.e. buying shares on borrowed funds) 金 融 机 关 jīn róng jī guān financial organization 金 融 衍 生 产 品 jīn róng yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn financial derivative 金 融 风 暴 jīn róng fēng bào banking crisis / storm in financial circles 国 际 财 务 报 告 准 则 guó jì cái wù bào gào zhǔn zé International Financial Reporting Standards 财 务 比 率 cái wù bǐ lu:4 financial ratios 环 球 银 行 金 融 电 信 协 会 huán qiú yín háng jīn róng diàn xìn xié hui Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication 伦 敦 国 际 金 融 期 货 交 易 所 Lún dūn Guó jì Jīn róng Qī huò Jiāo yì suǒ London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) 安 联 An1 lián Allianz, German financial service company 见 红 jiàn hóng (coll.) to bleed (esp. vaginal bleeding) / to suffer a financial loss 全 球 金 融 危 机 quán qiú jīn róng wēi jī global financial crisis 首 席 财 务 官 shǒu xí cái wù guān chief financial officer (CFO) 机 构 间 经 济 和 金 融 统 计 小 组 Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics 中 东 和 北 非 金 融 行 动 工 作 组 Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force 金 融 调 查 股 financial investigation unit 多 边 金 融 机 构 duō bian jīn róng jī gòu multilateral financial institution 流 入 非 洲 的 资 金 状 况 咨 询 小 组 Advisory Group on Financial Flows to Africa 统 一 私 法 协 会 国 际 金 融 租 赁 公 约 UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing