问 题 wèn tí question / problem / issue / topic / CL:個|个[ge4] 发 表 fā biǎo to issue / to publish 发 布 fā bù to release / to issue / to announce / to distribute 发 行 fā xíng to publish / to issue (stocks, currency etc) / to release / to distribute (a film) 课 题 kè tí task / problem / issue 散 发 sàn fā to distribute / to emit / to issue 颁 发 bān fā to issue / to promulgate / to award 颁 布 bān bù to issue / to proclaim / to enact (laws, decrees etc) 发 出 fā chū to issue (an order, decree etc) / to send out / to dispatch / to produce (a sound) / to let out (a laugh) 发 送 fā sòng to transmit / to dispatch / to issue (an official document or credential) 做 出 zuò chū to put out / to issue 作 出 zuò chū to put out / to come up with / to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc) / to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc) / to draw (conclusion) / to deliver (speech, judgment) / to devise (explanation) / to extract 发 给 fā gěi to issue / to grant / to distribute 出 具 chū jù to issue (document, certificate etc) / to provide 下 达 xià dá to transmit to lower levels / to issue (a command, decree etc) 下 发 xià fā to issue (a memorandum etc) to lower levels / to distribute (e.g. disaster relief to victims) 议 题 yì tí topic of discussion / topic / subject / issue (under discussion) / CL:項|项[xiang4] 签 发 qiān fā to issue (a document) / to sign and issue officially 下 行 xià xíng (of trains) down (i.e. away from the capital) / (of river boats) to travel downstream / to issue (a document) to lower bureaucratic levels / (of writing on the page) vertical, proceeding from top to bottom 刊 号 kān hào issue (of journal) / number 发 fā to send out / to show (one's feeling) / to issue / to develop / to make a bundle of money / classifier for gunshots (rounds) 配 发 pèi fā to issue / to distribute / to publish along with 打 dǎ to beat / to strike / to hit / to break / to type / to mix up / to build / to fight / to fetch / to make / to tie up / to issue / to shoot / to calculate / to play (a game) / since / from 颁 bān to promulgate / to send out / to issue / to grant or confer 签 证 qiān zhèng visa / to issue a visa 首 发 shǒu fā first issue / first public showing 解 决 办 法 jiě jué bàn fǎ solution / method to settle an issue 订 票 dìng piào to book tickets / to issue tickets 安 全 问 题 ān quán wèn tí safety issue / security issue 架 势 jià shi attitude / position (on an issue etc) 特 辑 tè jí special collection / special issue / album 做 文 章 zuò wén zhāng to make an issue of sth / to fuss / to make a song and dance 本 题 běn tí the subject under discussion / the point at issue 症 结 zhēng jié hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine) / crux of an issue / main point in an argument / sticking point / deadlock in negotiations 发 卡 fā kǎ to issue a card / (slang) to reject a guy or a girl / to chuck 公 案 gōng àn judge's desk / complex legal case / contentious issue / koan (Zen Buddhism) 郁 结 yù jié to suffer from pent-up frustrations / mental knot / emotional issue 发 令 fā lìng to issue an order 创 刊 号 chuàng kān hào first issue 枝 节 zhī jié branches and knots / fig. side issue / minor peripheral problem 事 过 境 迁 shì guò jìng qiān The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed (idiom). / It is water under the bridge. 约 请 yuē qǐng to invite / to issue an invitation 颁 行 bān xíng issue for enforcement 行 令 xíng lìng to issue orders / to order sb to drink in a drinking game 降 旨 jiàng zhǐ to issue an imperial edict 横 生 枝 节 héng shēng zhī jié to deliberately complicate an issue (idiom) 瞎 指 挥 xiā zhǐ huī to give nonsensical instructions / to issue orders out of ignorance 不 识 大 体 bù shí dà tǐ to fail to see the larger issue (idiom) / to fail to grasp the big picture 小 题 大 做 xiǎo tí dà zuò to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom) 振 臂 一 呼 zhèn bì yī hū to issue a call for action / to raise one's hand and issue a rousing call (idiom) 发 表 声 明 fā biǎo shēng míng to issue a statement / to issue a declaration 基 础 问 题 jī chǔ wèn tí basic issue / fundamental question 具 体 问 题 jù tǐ wèn tí concrete issue 造 成 问 题 zào chéng wèn tí to create an issue / to cause a problem 重 要 问 题 zhòng yào wèn tí an important issue 催 证 cuī zhèng to call for the issue of a letter of credit (international trade) 传 旨 chuán zhǐ issue a decree 刘 贵 今 Liú Guì jīn Liu Guijin (1945-), PRC diplomat, special representative to Africa from 2007, Chinese specialist on Sudan and the Darfur issue 批 办 pī bàn to approve and carry out / to issue approval 采 取 行 动 cǎi qǔ xíng dòng to take action / to adopt policies / to move on some issue 撇 开 不 谈 piē kāi bù tán to ignore an issue (idiom) 枝 节 问 题 zhī jié wèn tí side issue / peripheral complication 发 交 fā jiāo to issue and deliver (to people) 发 出 指 示 fā chū zhǐ shì to issue instructions 发 行 红 利 股 fā xíng hóng lì gǔ a bonus issue (a form of dividend payment) 签 发 地 点 qiān fā dì diǎn place of issue (of document) 签 发 日 期 qiān fā rì qī date of issue (of document) 统 一 口 径 tǒng yī kǒu jìng lit. one-track path / fig. to adopt a unified approach to discussing an issue / to sing from the same hymn-sheet 绕 手 rào shǒu thorny issue / tricky case 股 集 資 gǔ jí zī share issue 超 额 认 chāo é rèn (a share issue is) oversubscribed 超 额 认 购 chāo é rèn gòu (a share issue is) oversubscribed 頒 佈 bān bù variant of 颁布 / to issue / to promulgate 颁 佈 bān bù variant of 頒布|颁布, to issue / to proclaim / to enact (laws, decrees etc) 有 争 议 的 问 题 yǒu zhēng yì de wèn tí lightening-rod issue 谕 示 yù shì to issue a directive / to instruct (that sth be done) 问 题 管 理 小 组 wèn tí guǎn lǐ xiǎo zǔ issue management group 导 弹 问 题 所 有 层 面 政 府 专 家 组 Panel of Governmental Experts on the issue of missiles in all its aspects 发 给 单 issue order 问 题 追 踪 数 据 库 Issue Track database 苏 丹 人 民 解 决 达 尔 富 尔 问 题 倡 议 Sudanese People's Initiative for Solving the Darfur Issue 问 题 管 理 制 度 wèn tí guǎn lǐ zhì duó issue management system 初 次 发 放 表 initial scale of issue / initial issue / initial stock scaling / initial supply 初 次 发 放 量 initial scale of issue / initial issue / initial stock scaling / initial supply 共 有 的 问 题 cross-cutting issue 交 叉 问 题 cross-cutting issue 贯 穿 各 领 域 的 问 题 cross-cutting issue 敏 感 问 题 mǐn gǎn wèn tí lightening-rod issue 绿 色 经 济 议 题 管 理 小 组 Issue Management Group on a Green Economy 给 养 发 放 表 ration scale / ration scales / scale of issue for rations 初 次 弹 药 发 放 initial issue of ammunition / first-line scale of ammunition / ammunition initial issue 两 性 问 题 gender awareness issue 安 全 理 事 会 科 索 沃 问 题 访 问 团 Security Council mission on the Kosovo issue 可 持 续 性 管 理 问 题 管 理 小 组 Issue Management Group on Sustainability Management 股 集 资 gǔ jí zī share issue 开 罚 单 kāi fá dān to issue an infringement notice 发 文 fā wén to issue a document / document issued by an authority / outgoing messages / (Internet) to post an article online 打 擦 边 球 dǎ cā biān qiú to bend the rules / to skirt around the issue 当 面 锣 , 对 面 鼓 dāng miàn luó , duì miàn gǔ lit. gong facing gong, drum opposite drum (idiom) / fig. to come together to thrash out the issue face to face 过 刊 guò kān back issue (abbr. for 過期刊物|过期刊物[guo4 qi1 kan1 wu4])