循 环 xún huán to cycle / to circulate / circle / loop 圈 quān circle / ring / loop / classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc / CL:個|个[ge4] / to surround / to circle 回 路 huí lù to return / circuit (e.g. electric) / loop 环 路 huán lù ring road / closed circuit / loop 环 huán ring / hoop / loop / (chain) link / classifier for scores in archery etc / to surround / to encircle / to hem in 旋 xuán to revolve / a loop / a circle 襻 pàn loop / belt / band / to tie together / to stitch together 滚 动 gǔn dòng to roll / (to do sth) in a loop / to scroll (computing) / to progressively expand (economics) / to rumble (of thunder) 闭 合 bì hé to close by coming together (like the lips of a wound, the doors of an elevator, the walls of a channel) / to close by connecting in a loop (like a circuit) / closed-loop 接 入 网 access network / local loop 无 线 接 入 wú xiàn jiē rù wireless access / wireless local loop 领 结 lǐng jié bow tie / loop of a necktie / lavaliere 肩 章 jiān zhāng epaulet / shoulder loop / shoulder mark 卷 绕 juǎn rào to wind / to coil / to spool / to loop around / winding 套 tào to cover / to encase / cover / sheath / to overlap / to interleave / to model after / to copy / formula / harness / loop of rope / (fig.) to fish for / to obtain slyly / classifier for sets, collections / bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names) / tau (Greek letter Ττ) 爵 jué ancient bronze wine holder with 3 legs and loop handle / nobility 成 圈 chéng quān to form a circle, ring or loop 卫 星 回 路 wèi xīng huí lù satellite loop 磁 回 路 cí huí lù magnetic loop 观 察 - 定 向 - 决 策 - 行 动 环 Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action Loop 无 线 用 户 回 路 wú xiàn yòng hù huí lù wireless local loop / radio local loop / wireless access 无 线 入 网 wú xiàn rù wǎng wireless local loop / radio local loop / wireless access 无 线 本 地 环 路 wireless access / wireless local loop 数 字 环 路 载 波 digital loop carrier 卫 星 环 形 轨 迹 wèi xīng huán xíng guǐ jì satellite loop 综 合 数 字 环 路 载 波 integrated digital loop carrier 本 地 环 路 access network / local loop 套 儿 tào r (coll.) loop of rope / noose / scheme / ploy / condom 纽 襻 niǔ pàn button loop 闭 环 bì huán closed loop