少数 | shǎo shù | small number / few / minority | |
少数民族 | shǎo shù mín zú | national minority / ethnic group | |
族人 | zú rén | clansman / clan members / relatives / ethnic minority | |
极少数 | jí shǎo shù | extremely few / a small minority | |
巴乌 | bā wū | bawu, a free reed wind instrument shaped like a flute and played transversally, associated particularly with minority cultures of Yunnan | |
侗人 | Dòng rén | people of the Dong ethnic minority | |
少数群体问题独立专家 | | Independent Expert on minority issues | |
祝发 | zhù fà | to cut one's hair (as part of a minority ritual or in order to become a monk) | |
葛逻禄 | gě luó lù | Qarluq or Karluk nomadic tribe, a Turkic ethnic minority in ancient times | |
欧洲区域或少数民族语言宪章 | | European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages | |
关于少数民族教育权利的宣言 | | Declaration on Minority Education Rights | |
提倡土着和少数民族地名工作组 | | Working Group on the Promotion of Indigenous and Minority Group Names | |
少数族裔媒体基金 | | Minority Media Fund | |
阿尔巴尼亚少数民族 | | Albanian national minority | |
以色列阿拉伯少数族裔权利法律中心 | | Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel | |
公正组织 | | Adalah The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel / Adalah | |
性少数群体 | | sexual minority | |
少数群体问题论坛 | | Forum on Minority Issues | |
难民回归其民族占居民少数的地区 | | return of refugees to a minority area / minority return | |
回归民族少数区 | | return of refugees to a minority area / minority return | |
民族、种族和少数族裔关系研究委员会 | | Research Committee on Ethnic, Racial and Minority Relations | |
少数人权利团体 | | Minority Rights Group | |
负责少数群体问题的秘书长特别代表 | | Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Minority Issues | |
非洲土着和少数民族组织 | | African Indigenous and Minority Peoples Organization | |
小众 | xiǎo zhòng | minority of the population / non-mainstream (activity, pursuit etc) / niche (market etc) | |
布洛陀 | Bù luò tuó | creator god of the Zhuang minority 壯族|壮族[Zhuang4 zu2] | |
僜 | Dèng | Deng ethnic minority of Tibet | |