承认 | chéng rèn | to admit / to concede / to recognize / recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc) / to acknowledge | |
认出 | rèn chū | recognition / to recognize | |
赞誉 | zàn yù | to praise / recognition | |
肯定 | kěn dìng | to be certain / to be positive / assuredly / definitely / to give recognition / to affirm / affirmative (answer) | |
面目全非 | miàn mù quán fēi | nothing remains the same (idiom) / change beyond recognition | |
焕然一新 | huàn rán yī xīn | to look completely new (idiom) / brand new / changed beyond recognition | |
功成名就 | gōng chéng míng jiù | to win success and recognition (idiom) | |
语音识别 | yǔ yīn shí bié | speech recognition | |
追认 | zhuī rèn | to recognize sth after the event / posthumous recognition / to ratify / to endorse retroactively | |
模式识别 | mó shì shí bié | pattern recognition | |
请功 | qǐng gōng | to request recognition for sb's merits / to recommend sb for promotion or an award | |
啊 | à | interjection or grunt of agreement / uhm / Ah, OK / expression of recognition / Oh, it's you! | |
唉 | āi | interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!) / to sigh | |
明珠暗投 | míng zhū àn tóu | to cast pearls before swine (idiom) / not to get proper recognition for one's talents | |
聊备一格 | liáo bèi yī gé | to use as a stopgap / to give perfunctory recognition / token / nominal | |
不像样 | bù xiàng yàng | in no shape to be seen / unpresentable / beyond recognition | |
口语字词识别 | kǒu yǔ zì cí shí bié | recognition of spoken word | |
手写辩识 | shǒu xiě biàn shí | handwriting recognition | |
手写识别 | shǒu xiě shí bié | handwriting recognition | |
安吉星 | An1 jí xīng | OnStar, communications system for motor vehicles featuring speech recognition, GPS navigation etc | |
光学字符识别 | guāng xué zì fú shí bié | optical character recognition, OCR | |
不成样子 | bù chéng yàng zi | shapeless / deformed / ruined / beyond recognition / (of a person) reduced to a shadow | |
欧洲大学资格学术认可公约 | | European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications | |
表彰仪式 | biǎo zhāng yí shì | recognition ceremony | |
互相承认火器验证标记公约 | | Convention for the reciprocal recognition of proof marks on small arms | |
关于承认和移交登记册的协定 | | Agreement on Recognition and Handover of Record Books | |
突发事件预警系统 | | Early Warning Outbreak Recognition System | |
收入的确认 | | income recognition | |
抗原识别 | | antigen recognition | |
承认一个国家 | chéng rèn yī gè guó jiā | recognition of a State | |
联合国嘉许状 | lián hé guó jiā xǔ zhuàng | United Nations Certificate of Recognition | |
民商事桉件外国判决的承认与执行公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters | |
欧洲地区承认高等教育资格公约 | | Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region / Lisbon Convention | |
里斯本公约 | | Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region / Lisbon Convention | |
关于药品制造检查的相互承认公约 | | Convention for the Mutual Recognition of Inspections in Respect of the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products | |
物体识别 | | object recognition | |
相互承认和关系正常化协定 | | Agreement on Mutual Recognition and Normalization of Relations | |
欧洲承认国际非政府组织法人资格公约 | | European Convention on Recognition of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organizations | |
正式承认土着语言委员会 | | Commission for the Official Recognition of Indigenous Languages / Official Recognition Commission | |
妇女对工业贡献奖 | | Women and Industry Recognition Award | |
识别物 | | recognition piece | |
承认交战状态 | | recognition of belligerency | |
承认一个政府 | | recognition of a government | |
关于国际承认对航空器的权利的公约 | | Convention on the international recognition of rights in aircraft | |
结婚仪式和承认婚姻有效公约 | | Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages | |
收养管辖权、法律适用和决定承认公约 | | Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Recognition of Decrees relating to Adoptions | |
承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards | |
抚养儿童义务判决的承认和执行公约 | | Convention concerning the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations towards children | |
承认离婚和法定分居公约 | | Convention on the Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations | |
关于信托的法律适用及其承认的公约 | | Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition | |
扶养义务判决的承认与执行公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions relating to Maintenance Obligations | |
确认和合作协定 | | Recognition and Cooperation Agreement | |
相互承认公司和法律实体公约 | | Convention on Mutual Recognition of Companies and Legal Entities | |
儿基会与各国儿基会委员会的承认协定 | | recognition agreement between UNICEF and National Committees | |
国际承认用于专利程序的微生物保存条约 | | Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro-organismes for the Purpose of Patent Procedure | |
识别手册 | | recognition booklet | |
相互承认框架 | | Mutual Recognition Framework | |