收入 | shōu rù | to take in / income / revenue / CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] | |
营收 | yíng shōu | sales / income / revenue | |
营业收入 | yíng yè shōu rù | revenue | |
进项 | jìn xiang | income / receipts / earnings / revenue | |
税务 | shuì wù | taxation services / state revenue service | |
增收 | zēng shōu | to increase revenue / to increase income by (x amount) / to levy (a surcharge, tax increase etc) / (of a school) to have an increased student intake | |
税务局 | Shuì wù jú | Tax Bureau / Inland Revenue Department (Hong Kong) | |
财源 | cái yuán | financial resources / source of revenue | |
创收 | chuàng shōu | to generate revenue / extra income | |
户部 | Hù bù | Ministry of Revenue in imperial China | |
岁入 | suì rù | annual revenue / annual income | |
户部尚书 | hù bù shàng shū | Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards) | |
税捐稽征处 | Shuì juān Jī zhēng chù | Taipei Revenue Service (tax office) | |
财赋 | cái fù | government revenue / tributary goods and finances / finances and taxes / wealth / property / belongings | |
预期收入票据 | yù qī shōu rù piào jù | revenue anticipation note (RAN, financing) | |
乌干达税务局 | Uganda Revenue Authority | ||
纳米比亚中央收入基金 | Central Revenue Fund for Namibia | ||
预算收入 | yù suàn shōu rù | budget revenue | |
收入账务股 | shōu rù zhàng wù gǔ | Revenue Accounts Unit | |
石油收入和稳定账户 | Oil Revenue Stabilization Account | ||
美国国内税收署 | měi guó guó nèi shuì shōu shǔ | Internal Revenue Service | |
出口收入 | chū kǒu shōu rù | export revenue | |
石油收入净额监测和计算联合委员会 | Joint Committee for Monitoring and Calculation of the Oil Net Revenue | ||
国家岁入基金 | National Revenue Fund | ||
国库岁入 | public revenue | ||
自足收入体系 | self-sufficient revenue system | ||
东帝汶税务局 | East Timor Revenue Service | ||
空窗期 | kōng chuāng qī | window period (time between infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies) / period during which sth is lacking (boyfriend or girlfriend, work, revenue, production of a commodity etc) / lull / hiatus |