随意 | suí yì | as one wishes / according to one's wishes / at will / voluntary / conscious | |
自愿 | zì yuàn | voluntary | |
自行 | zì xíng | voluntary / autonomous / by oneself / self- | |
自愿性 | zì yuàn xìng | voluntary | |
志愿服务 | zhì yuàn fù wù | volunteer service / voluntary service | |
义务工作者 | yì wù gōng zuò zhě | volunteer / voluntary worker | |
自愿平行调任方桉 | | voluntary lateral reassignment programme / voluntary reassignment programme | |
协助地雷行动自愿信托基金 | | Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Action | |
自愿减排措施 | | voluntary measure | |
国家自愿陈述 | guó jiā zì yuàn chén shù | national voluntary presentation | |
世界气象组织志愿援助方案 | shì jiè qì xiàng zǔ zhī zhì yuàn yuán zhù fāng àn | World Meteorological Organization Voluntary Assistance Programme | |
自愿基金财务细则 | zì yuàn jī jīn cái wù xì zé | Financial Rules for Voluntary Funds | |
安全与人权自愿原则 | | Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights | |
志愿工作人员 | zhì yuàn gōng zuò rén yuán | voluntary worker | |
联合国当代形式奴隶制问题信托基金 | | United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery | |
自愿捐助 | zì yuàn juān zhù | voluntary contribution | |
世界自愿接受外科避孕手术联合会 | | World Federation for Voluntary Surgical Contraception | |
志愿机构 | zhì yuàn jī gòu | voluntary agency | |
自愿咨询检测 | zì yuàn zī xún jiǎn cè | voluntary counselling and testing | |
自愿和可持续回归议定书 | | Protocol on Voluntary and Sustainable Returns | |
联合国人权领域技术合作自愿基金 | | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights | |
联合国裁军宣传方桉自愿信托基金 | | Voluntary Trust Fund for the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme | |
欧洲促进青年跨国长期志愿服务公约 | | European Convention on the Promotion of a Transnational Long-term Voluntary Service for Young People | |
世界裁军自愿信托基金 | shì jiè cái jūn zì yuàn xìn tuō jī jīn | World Disarmament Voluntary Trust Fund | |
自愿合作方案基金 | zì yuàn hé zuò fāng àn jī jīn | Voluntary Cooperation Programme Fund | |
联合国志愿人员组织特别自愿基金 | | Special Voluntary Fund of the United Nations Volunteers | |
特别志愿人员基金 | | Special Voluntary Fund | |
联合国妇女十年自愿基金补充信托基金 | lián hé guó fù rǔ shí nián zì yuàn jī jīn bǔ chōng xìn tuō jī jīn | Supplementary Trust Fund for the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women | |
自愿观测船 | | voluntary observing ship | |
年度自愿认捐会议 | | annual voluntary pledging conference | |
世界土著人国际十年自愿基金 | shì jiè tǔ zhù rén guó jì shí nián zì yuàn jī jīn | Voluntary Fund for the International Decade of the World's Indigenous People | |
第三部门 | dì sān bù mén | voluntary sector / third sector | |
学校自愿援助基金 | | School Voluntary Assistance Fund | |
自愿实物捐助 | zì yuàn shí wù juān zhù | voluntary contribution in kind / voluntary contribution-in-kind | |
国际志愿机构理事会 | | International Council of Voluntary Agencies | |
自愿协定 | zì yuàn xié dìng | voluntary agreement | |
团结和志愿行动青年 | | Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action | |
联合国援助酷刑受害者自愿基金 | lián hé guó yuán zhù kù xíng shòu hài zhě zì yuàn jī jīn | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture / United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture | |
联合国酷刑受害者基金 | lián hé guó kù xíng shòu hài zhě jī jīn | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture / United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture | |
联合国援助土著居民自愿基金 | lián hé guó yuán zhù tǔ zhù jū mín zì yuàn jī jīn | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations | |
联合国人权教育自愿基金 | | United Nations voluntary fund for human rights education | |
第叁个反对种族主义十年自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the Third Decade against Racism | |
自愿合作方案 | zì yuàn hé zuò fāng àn | Voluntary Cooperation Programme | |
志愿机构局 | zhì yuàn jī gòu jú | Voluntary Agencies Bureau | |
自愿指示性捐款比额表 | | voluntary indicative scale of contributions | |
自愿交保协定 | zì yuàn jiāo bǎo xié dìng | voluntary offer agreement | |
自愿许诺和承诺 | | voluntary pledges and commitments | |
联合国人权领域技术合作自愿基金董事会 | | Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights | |
国际和平年自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the Programme of the International Year of Peace | |
自愿现金捐助 | | voluntary contribution in cash | |
志愿组织 | | voluntary organization | |
保密自愿咨询检测 | | Voluntary and Confidential Counselling and Testing | |
自愿捐款行政开支账户 | | Voluntary Contributions Administrative Expenses | |
自愿接受外科绝育手术协会 | | Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception | |
世界土着人国际年自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the International Year for the World's Indigenous People | |
南极中上层海豹捕捞自愿管制临时准则 | | Interim Guidelines for Voluntary Regulation of Antarctic Pelagic Sealing | |
青少年社区志愿服务 | | Youth Voluntary Service to the Community | |
国际志愿服务协调委员会 | | Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service | |
联合国援助土着居民自愿基金董事会 | | Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations | |
西亚经社会区域活动自愿基金 | | ESCWA Voluntary Fund for Regional Activities | |
联合国残疾问题自愿基金 | | United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability | |
援助酷刑受害者联合国自愿基金董事会 | | Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | |
柬埔寨和平进程自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the Cambodian Peace Process | |
自愿基金 | | voluntary fund | |
促进卫生自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion | |
协助排雷自愿信托基金 | | Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Clearance | |
美国联合国妇女十年自愿基金委员会 | | United States Committee on the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women | |
国际妇女年自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the International Women's Year | |
联合国残疾人十年自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Disabled Persons | |
联合国妇女十年自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women | |
筹备和庆祝国际家庭年自愿信托基金 | | Voluntary Trust Fund for the Preparation for and the Observance of the International Year of the Family | |
北欧志愿援助委员会 | | Nordic Voluntary Aid Committee | |
国际艾滋病自愿咨询检测日 | | International Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing Day | |
自愿上缴武器 | | voluntary weapons surrender | |
自动限制出口 | | voluntary export restraint | |
合作救急志愿组织 | | Voluntary Organizations in Cooperation in Emergencies | |
自愿回归 | | voluntary return / voluntary repatriation | |
自愿回返 | | voluntary return / voluntary repatriation | |
自愿遣返 | | voluntary return / voluntary repatriation | |
自愿流动 | | voluntary mobility | |
人权领域技术合作自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights | |
联合国环境与发展会议自愿基金 | | Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development | |
消除孤独感自愿假 | | Voluntary Absence for the Relief of Isolation | |
发展中国家参与问题特别自愿基金 | | Special Voluntary Fund for Developing Countries Participation | |
联合国妇女十年自愿基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women | |
释放转基因生物自愿行为守则 | | Voluntary Code of Conduct for the Release of Genetically Modified Organisms | |
国际海事组织成员国自愿审计计划 | | Voluntary International Maritime Organization Member State Audit Scheme / Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme | |
自愿遣返的保护方面指导方针 | | Guidelines on the Protection Aspects of Voluntary Repatriation | |
自愿遣返一般拨款 | | General Allocation for Voluntary Repatriation | |
志愿救助医师组织 | | Voluntary Relief Doctors | |
志愿发展组织非洲论坛 | | African Forum of Voluntary Development Organizations | |
联合国妇女十年自愿基金协商委员会 | | Consultative Committee on the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women | |
减少天然气放空燃烧和泄漏全球自愿标准 | | Global Gas Flaring and Venting Reduction Voluntary Standard / Voluntary Standard for Global Gas Flaring and Venting Reduction | |
技术合作特别自愿方桉 | | Special Voluntary Programme for Technical Cooperation | |
民间志愿组织 | | private voluntary organization | |
非洲志愿发展组织论坛 | | Forum of African Voluntary Development Organizations | |
自愿机构委员会 | | Commission of Voluntary Agencies | |
志愿民防委员会 | | Voluntary Civil Defence Committees | |
自愿遣返问题叁方委员会 | | Tripartite Commission on Voluntary Repatriation | |
布隆迪难民自愿遣返问题叁方委员会 | | Tripartite Commission for the Voluntary Repatriation of Burundian Refugees | |