- 云开见天日。
The clouds opened and the sun shone through.
- 天空风云骤起。
The sky looks angry.
- 天上万里无云。
Not a cloud was to be seen in the sky.
- 忽然天气转为多云。
All of a sudden it became cloudy.
- 天上没有云。
There are no clouds in the sky.
- 那晚多云。
It was cloudy that night.
- 那片云是鱼的形状。
That cloud is in the shape of a fish.
- 飞机在云层上飞著。
The plane flew above the clouds.
- 天空飘的云很美。
The clouds floating in the sky are beautiful.
- 天空逐渐变得乌云密佈。
The sky has gradually clouded over.