- 加里宁格勒旧称为哥尼斯堡。
Kaliningrad was once called Koenigsberg.
- 那不勒斯是一个风景如画的城市。
Naples is a picturesque city.
- 当我在塞勒姆的时候, 我常常和约翰打网球。
When I was in Salem, I would often play tennis with John.
- 希特勒在一九三三年取得了权力。
Hitler assumed power in 1933.
- 一个从俄勒冈州来的朋友,布朗先生明天会来拜访我们。
Mr. Brown a friend from Oregon, will visit us tomorrow.
- 被害人被勒索支付封口费已经很多年, 但现在他意识到这样做是愚蠢的ᦁ
The victim of blackmail has been paying hush money for years, but now he realizes it is foolish, and he has decided not to pay a red cent more.