- 他在街市卖鱼卖了许多年了,这些年来每逢星期二都会在街市见到他。
For years he is at the market every Tuesday morning with his fish stall.
- 他卖车子。
He sells cars.
- 卖完了!
All sold out!
- 那家店卖笔记本吗?
Do they sell notebooks at that store?
- 他们只对卖书有兴趣。
They were only interested in selling books.
- 那家店卖报纸和杂志。
That shop sells newspapers and magazines.
- 他出卖了我。
He sold me down the river.
- 他后悔对敌人出卖了他的国家。
He repented having betrayed his country to the enemy.
- 你知道现在哪本书卖得好吗?
Do you know which book sells well now?
- 不好意思,这本书已经卖完了。
Sorry, the book is out of stock.