- 我们偶尔去钓鱼。
We go fishing once in a while.
- 他偶尔逃学。
He is sometimes absent from school.
- 请开到希尔顿酒店。
The Hilton Hotel, please.
- 他偶尔会来看我们。
He comes to visit us every now and then.
- 比尔能通过考试了。
Bill was able to pass the exam.
- 比尔在日本。
Bill was in Japan.
- 比尔坚持她必须听从他的话。
Bill was adamant that she should obey him.
- 你应该偶尔照顾孩子。
You should look after the children from time to time.
- 终究天神偶尔也会出差错。
After all, even the gods may err at times.
- 比尔生气了并用难听的话骂迪克。
Bill got mad and called Dick names.