- 平行四边形是由两组平行线组成的四边形。
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral formed from two sets of parallel lines.
- 现在不止要男女薪金平等,而且还要平均分配家务。
Nowadays, equal pay is not enough, household responsibilities must also be distributed evenly.
- 把平底锅离火。
Take the pan off the fire.
- 爱和和平。
Love and Peace.
- 人人生来平等。
All men are created equal.
- 和平会谈将在下週开始。
Peace talks will begin next week.
- 他们昨天平安抵达这里。
They arrived here safely yesterday.
- 两条街道互相平行。
The two streets run parallel to one another.
- 他们是热爱和平的人。
They are peace-loving people.
- 平日似乎比较不拥挤。
It seems less crowded during the week.