zěn me yàng


  • how?
  • how about?
  • how was it?
  • how are things?



  • 那里的气候怎么样?
    How is the weather there?
  • 泰国菜怎么样
    How about Thai food?
  • 你觉得怎么样
    What do you think of it?
  • 明天怎么样
    How about for tomorrow?
  • 你的面试怎么样
    How did your interview go?
  • 去看电影怎么样
    Why not go to the movies?
  • 你今天怎么样
    How are you doing today?
  • 我们去滑雪怎么样
    What do you say we go skiing?
Chinese Tones