- 我想有一盘抓饭想得会杀人。
I would kill for a plate of polo right now.
- 你想不想喝点儿茶?
Would you care for a cup of tea?
- 让我想一想。
Let me see.
- Nancy想不想养一条狗?
Does Nancy want to have a dog?
- 约翰问玛莉下午想不想一起去买东西。
John asked Mary whether she would like to go shopping in the afternoon.
- 你们今天下午想不想去动物园?
Would you like to go to the zoo this afternoon?
- 让你叔叔想一想。
Let your uncle think about it.
- 我想也没有想过会在这样的地方踫到她。
Never did I expect to see her in such a place.
- 好好的想一想,看看能不能想起你昨晚是在谁家过夜的。
Put on your thinking cap and try to remember whose house you slept at last night.
- 无论你想去还是不想去,你也要去。
You have to go there whether you like it or not.