有 意 思 yǒu yì si interesting / meaningful / enjoyable / fun 马 克 思 Mǎ kè sī Marx (name) / Karl Marx (1818-1883), German revolutionary, economist and historian 没 意 思 méi yì si boring / of no interest 好 意 思 hǎo yì si to have the nerve / what a cheek! / to feel no shame / to overcome the shame / (is it) proper? (rhetorical question) 够 意 思 gòu yì si wonderful / great / delightful / very kind / generous 新 思 想 xīn sī xiǎng new ideas 小 意 思 xiǎo yì si small token / mere trifle (used of one's gifts) 范 思 哲 Fàn sī zhé Versace (fashion designer) 单 相 思 dān xiāng sī one-sided lovesickness / unrequited longing 孙 思 邈 Sūn Sī miǎo Sun Simiao (c. 581-682), doctor and herbalist of the Sui and Tang dynasty, author of Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold 千金要方[Qian1 jin1 Yao4 fang1] 席 梦 思 Xí mèng sī spring mattress (loanword from "Simmons" bedding company name) 相 思 病 xiāng sī bìng lovesickness 百 思 买 Bǎi sī mǎi Best Buy (retailer) 追 思 会 zhuī sī huì memorial service / memorial meeting 长 相 思 Cháng xiāng sī Sauvignon blanc (grape type) 花 心 思 huā xīn sī to think through / to invest effort in thinking about / to consider thoroughly 贾 思 勰 Jiǎ Sī xié Jia Sixie, sixth century writer and author of agricultural encyclopedia Essential skill to benefit the people 齊民要術|齐民要术[Qi2 min2 Yao4 shu4] 曼 妥 思 Màn tuǒ sī Mentos, a brand of candy produced by European company Perfetti Van Melle 孟 思 诚 Mèng Sī chéng Maeng Saseong (1360-1438), Korean politician of the Goryeo-Joseon transition, famous for his honesty and wisdom 赛 轮 思 Sài lún sī Cerence, US company providing AI-based automotive assistants 上 思 县 Shàng sī xiàn Shangsi County in Fangchenggang 防城港[Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi 史 思 明 Shǐ Sī míng Shi Siming (703-761), military colleague of An Lushan 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1], participated in the 755-763 An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4] 退 思 园 Tuì Sī yuán Retreat and Reflection Garden in Tongli, Jiangsu 希 思 罗 Xī sī luō Heathrow (a London airport) 希 思 罗 Xī sī luó Heathrow (a London airport) 姚 思 廉 Yáo Sī lián Yao Silian (557-637), Tang writer and compiler of 梁書|梁书[Liang2 shu1] and 陳書|陈书[Chen2 shu1] 不 好 意 思 bù hǎo yì si to feel embarrassed / to find it embarrassing / to be sorry (for inconveniencing sb) 不 可 思 议 bù kě sī yì inconceivable (idiom) / unimaginable / unfathomable 胡 思 乱 想 hú sī luàn xiǎng to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom) / to let one's imagination run wild 顾 名 思 义 gù míng sī yì as the name implies 匪 夷 所 思 fěi yí suǒ sī unimaginable / outrageous / freakish 统 一 思 想 tǒng yī sī xiǎng with the same idea in mind / with a common purpose 不 假 思 索 bù jiǎ sī suǒ to act without taking time to think (idiom) / to react instantly / to fire from the hip 深 思 熟 虑 shēn sī shú lu:4 mature reflection / after careful deliberations 政 治 思 想 zhèng zhì sī xiǎng political thought / ideology 集 思 广 益 jí sī guǎng yì collecting opinions is of wide benefit (idiom) / to pool wisdom for mutual benefit / to profit from widespread suggestions 朝 思 暮 想 zhāo sī mù xiǎng to yearn for sth day and night (idiom) 挖 空 心 思 wā kōng xīn si to dig for thoughts (idiom) / to search everything for an answer / to rack one's brains 痛 定 思 痛 tòng dìng sī tòng to think of the pain when the pain is gone (idiom) / to ponder about a painful experience 一 门 心 思 yī mén xīn si to set one's heart on sth (idiom) 居 安 思 危 jū ān sī wēi to think of danger in times of safety / to be vigilant in peacetime (idiom) 儒 家 思 想 Rú jiā sī xiǎng Confucian thoughts / the thinking of the Confucian school 冥 思 苦 想 míng sī kǔ xiǎng to consider from all angles (idiom) / to think hard / to rack one's brains 见 异 思 迁 jiàn yì sī qiān to change at once on seeing sth different (idiom) / loving fads and novelty / never satisfied with what one has 苦 思 冥 想 kǔ sī míng xiǎng to consider from all angles (idiom) / to think hard / to rack one's brains 发 人 深 思 fā rén shēn sī (idiom) thought-provoking / to give one food for thought 抽 象 思 维 chōu xiàng sī wéi abstract thought / logical thinking 三 思 而 行 sān sī ér xíng think three times then go (idiom) / don't act before you've thought it through carefully 忆 苦 思 甜 yì kǔ sī tián to view one's past as miserable and one's present as happy (idiom) 睹 物 思 人 dǔ wù sī rén seeing an object makes one miss its owner (idiom) 闭 门 思 过 bì mén sī guò shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes 百 思 不 解 bǎi sī bù jiě to remain puzzled after pondering over sth a hundred times (idiom) / to remain perplexed despite much thought 百 思 莫 解 bǎi sī mò jiě see 百思不解[bai3 si1 bu4 jie3] 见 利 思 义 jiàn lì sī yì to see profit and remember morality (idiom) / to act ethically / not tempted by riches 见 贤 思 齐 jiàn xián sī qí see a worthy, think to imitate (idiom, from Analects) / emulate the virtuous / Follow the example of a virtuous and wise teacher. 刻 骨 相 思 kè gǔ xiāng sī deep-seated lovesickness (idiom) 劳 心 苦 思 láo xīn kǔ sī to rack one's brains / to think hard 乐 不 思 蜀 lè bù sī Shǔ indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom) 冥 思 苦 索 míng sī kǔ suǒ to mull over (idiom) / to think long and hard 穷 则 思 变 qióng zé sī biàn when you hit bottom, you have to come up with a new approach (idiom) 若 有 所 思 ruò yǒu suǒ sī looking pensive / thoughtfully 神 思 恍 惚 shén sī huǎng hū abstracted / absent-minded / in a trance 体 大 思 精 tǐ dà sī jīng extensive and penetrating (idiom) / expansive and profound (of writing) 孝 思 不 匮 xiào sī bù kuì to be forever filial (idiom) 饮 水 思 源 yǐn shuǐ sī yuán lit. when you drink water, think of its source (idiom) / gratitude for blessings and their well-spring / Don't forget where your happiness come from. / Be grateful for all your blessings! 左 思 右 想 zuǒ sī yòu xiǎng to turn over in one's mind (idiom) / to think through from different angles / to ponder 马 占 相 思 akasia / mangium 珀 思 宣 言 Perth Declaration 群 体 思 维 group think 集 体 思 考 group think 赛 思 科 马 Seth Koma 作 战 思 想 general concept of operations / concept of operations 爱 丽 思 泉 Aì lí sī quán Alice Springs, town in central Australia 巴 克 科 思 Bā kè kē sī Bacchus, Roman God of wine 博 斯 沃 思 Bó sī wò sī Bosworth (name) / Stephen Bosworth (1939-), US academic and diplomat, special representative for policy on North Korea from 2009 不 加 思 索 bù jiā sī suǒ see 不假思索[bu4 jia3 si1 suo3] 茶 饭 不 思 chá fàn bù sī no thought for tea or rice (idiom) / melancholic and suffering / to have no appetite 成 吉 思 汗 Chéng jí sī hán Genghis Khan (1162-1227), founder and ruler of the Mongol Empire 费 尽 心 思 fèi jìn xīn si to rack one's brains (idiom) / to take great pains to think sth through 费 人 思 索 fèi rén sī suǒ to think oneself to exhaustion (idiom) 封 建 思 想 fēng jiàn sī xiǎng feudal way of thinking 害 相 思 病 hài xiāng sī bìng sick with love 换 位 思 考 huàn wèi sī kǎo to put oneself in sb else’s shoes 见 马 克 思 jiàn Mǎ kè sī to die / lit. to visit Marx / to pass away 没 有 意 思 méi yǒu yì si boring / of no interest 面 壁 思 过 miàn bì sī guò to face the wall and ponder about one's misdeeds / to stand in the corner (punishment) / (fig.) to examine one's conscience 穷 思 苦 想 qióng sī kǔ xiǎng to think hard (idiom) / to give sth much thought 奇 思 妙 想 qí sī miào xiǎng an unconventional but wonderful idea 味 美 思 酒 wèi měi sī jiǔ vermouth (loanword) / Italian spiced fortified wine 无 思 无 虑 wú sī wú lu:4 (idiom) carefree / untroubled 相 思 鸟 属 xiāng sī niǎo shǔ Leiothrix 细 思 极 恐 xì sī jí kǒng scary to think about (coll.) (coined c. 2013) 伊 思 迈 尔 Yī sī mài ěr Ismail (name) / Shah Ismail I (1487-1524), founder of Persian Safavid dynasty, reigned 1501-1524 意 思 意 思 yì sī yì sī to do a little something as a token of one's appreciation / to express one's gratitude or esteem by treating sb to a meal or presenting a gift 主 体 思 想 Zhǔ tǐ Sī xiǎng Juche Idea (North Korean ideology of political, economic and military independence) 字 面 意 思 zì miàn yì si literal meaning 马 克 思 主 义 Mǎ kè sī zhǔ yì Marxism 毛 泽 东 思 想 Máo Zé dōng Sī xiǎng Mao Zedong Thought / Maoism 三 思 而 后 行 sān sī ér hòu xíng think again and again before acting (idiom) / consider carefully in advance 世 界 思 想 日 World Thinking Day 巴 思 钵 氏 龙 bā sī bō shì lóng Barsboldia 成 长 型 思 维 chéng zhǎng xíng sī wéi growth mindset 红 嘴 相 思 鸟 hóng zuǐ xiāng sī niǎo (bird species of China) red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) 康 思 维 恩 格 Kāng sī wéi ēn gé Kongsvinger (city in Hedemark, Norway) 科 林 ・ 弗 思 Kē lín · Fú sī Colin Firth, English actor (1960-) 科 林 · 弗 思 Kē lín · Fú sī Colin Firth, English actor (1960-) 沃 尔 沃 思 县 wò ěr wò sī xiàn Walworth 银 耳 相 思 鸟 yín ěr xiāng sī niǎo (bird species of China) silver-eared mesia (Leiothrix argentauris) 百 思 不 得 其 解 bǎi sī bù dé qí jiě see 百思不解[bai3 si1 bu4 jie3] 恢 复 和 思 考 期 recovery and reflection period 新 生 社 会 思 想 Emerging New Social Thought 总 体 作 战 思 想 general concept of operations / concept of operations 卡 尔 ・ 马 克 思 Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist philosopher, political activist and founder of Marxism 卡 尔 · 马 克 思 Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist philosopher, political activist and founder of Marxism 重 整 奥 思 定 会 Zhòng zhěng Aò sī dìng huì Order of Augustinian Recollects, a mendicant Catholic religious order of friars and nuns 尤 里 斯 · 伊 文 思 Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch documentary filmmaker and committed communist 马 克 思 列 宁 主 义 mǎ kè sī liè níng zhǔ yì Marxism-Leninism 每 逢 佳 节 倍 思 亲 měi féng jiā jié bèi sī qīn doubly homesick for our dear ones at each festive day (from a poem by Wang Wei 王維|王维[Wang2 Wei2]) 陀 思 妥 也 夫 斯 基 Tuó sī tuǒ yě fū sī jī Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881), great Russian novelist, author of Crime and Punishment 罪與罰|罪与罚[Zui4 yu3 Fa2] / also written 陀思妥耶夫斯基[Tuo2 si1 tuo3 ye1 fu1 si1 ji1] 陀 思 妥 耶 夫 斯 基 Tuó sī tuǒ yē fū sī jī Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881), great Russian novelist, author of Crime and Punishment 罪與罰|罪与罚[Zui4 yu3 Fa2]