- 满招损, 谦受益。
Humility often gains more than pride.
- 失物招领处在哪儿?
Where is the lost and found?
- 这种饮料是免费招待的。
This drink is on the house.
- 她挥著手向他打招呼。
She greeted him waving her hand.
- 她面带微笑向我们打招呼。
She greeted us with a smile.
- 他们面带微笑向我打招呼。
They greeted me with a smile.
- 这个女孩面带微笑向我打招呼。
The girl greeted me with a smile.
- 招股说明书必须由两名保荐代表人签字。
Prospectus must be signed by two sponsor representatives.
- 他们昨晚设宴招待了我们。
They entertained us at dinner last night.
- “再来吧”酒吧要招一个服务员,你有兴趣吗?
Zailaiba Bar is hiring waiters; are you interested?