
  • to hold
  • to grasp
  • to clench (one's fist)
  • to master
  • classifier: a handful



  • 好好把这个机会。
    Make good use of this opportunity.
  • 用双手住球。
    Hold the ball in both hands.
  • 这个课程能帮助你掌正确发音。
    This course will help you master correct pronunciation.
  • 他们对法语有很好的掌度。
    They had a good command of French.
  • 母亲无意中住了椅子。
    Unconsciously my mom took hold of the chair.
  • 手的最后一个贴士:记住要笑。
    I have one final piece of advice related to handshakes: Remember to smile.
  • 住门把,它就从门上掉了下来。
    The handle came away from the door when I grasped it.
  • 和别人手的时候,一定要有眼神接触。
    When you shake hands with somebody, you must look him in the eye.
  • 根据我的经验,掌法语语法需要一年的时间。
    According to my experience, it takes one year to master French grammar.
  • 著我的手。我们两个将要建立一个乌托邦。
    Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia.
Chinese Tones