- 五十步笑百步。
The pot calls the kettle black.
- 社会不是在进步,而是在退步。
Social conditions are going backward rather than forward.
- 他一步一步地拾级而上。
He went up the steps slowly.
- 我们一步一步地踏进了冰冷的水里。
We waded into the cold water inch by inch.
- 英文是要一步一步的学的。
You have to study English step by step.
- 前进两步。
Advance two steps.
- 你为什么说要去公园散步?
What do you say to taking a walk in the park?
- 我喜欢散步。
I like taking walks.
- 我们在公园里跑了步。
We ran in the park.
- 我们沿着湖岸散步。
We walked along the shore of the lake.