- 太平洋是世界上最大的海洋。
The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world.
- 洋葱比马铃薯快熟。
Onions cook more quickly than potatoes.
- 洋子有收集邮票的兴趣。
Yoko is interested in collecting stamps.
- 洋子回避我提出的问题。
Yoko avoided answering my question.
- 苏珊做了一件洋装给吉儿。
Susan made a dress for Jill.
- 我给我姐姐一个洋娃娃。
I gave my sister a doll.
- 地球是由海洋和陆地组成的。
The earth is made up of sea and land.
- 她给了我一个漂亮的洋娃娃。
She gave me a pretty doll.
- 她穿上了一套漂亮的洋装。
She got a beautiful dress on.
- 她把她所有的洋装都送人。
She gave away all her dresses.