- 当然!
Of course!
- 那个发现纯属偶然。
That discovery was quite accidental.
- 计划突然改变。
There was a sudden change of plan.
- 这个问题仍然未解决。
The problem remains unsolved.
- 忽然天气转为多云。
All of a sudden it became cloudy.
- 我仍然记忆犹新。
It is still fresh in my memory.
- 天突然转阴了。
All of sudden the sky became overcast.
- 我仍然热爱著网球运动。
I am still keeping up my tennis craze.
- 我当然有资格这么说啦。
I am certainly entitled to speak like this.
- 走过两个街区,然后左转。
Walk two blocks, and turn left.