- 这品种的蝴蝶现在已经绝种了。
Butterflies of this species are now extinct.
- 你看这两种哪一种好?
Which of these two do you think is better?
- 我们种植各种的作物。
We grow a variety of crops.
- 因为人的种族而歧视他们是一种错误。
Discriminating against people because of their race is a mistake.
- 劳动不仅是一种需要,而还是一种愉快。
Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure.
- 他克服了种种困难和挫折,终于成功一个人越过了南极洲。
He overcame all sorts of hardship and setbacks to succeed in a solo crossing of Antarctica.
- 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
You reap what you sow.
- 我学两种外语。
I am learning two foreign languages.
- 我学两种外语。
I am learning two foreign languages.
- 到了四十年代,旗袍有了种类繁多的图案和面料,也有了同样种类繁多的
By the 1940s, the qipao came in a wide variety of designs and fabrics, with an equally wide variety of accessories.