- 鸟儿成群飞着。
The birds were flying in a group.
- 这个森林里猴子成群。
Monkeys teem in the forest.
- 他们从人群中挤过去了。
They made their way through the crowd.
- 群众妨碍了警员执行任务。
The crowd obstructed the police in the discharge of their duties.
- 这座城市被群山环绕。
The mountains were all around the city.
- 人群从体育馆中湧了出来。
The crowd poured out of the stadium.
- 他设法穿过了人群。
He made his way through the crowd.
- 人群聚集在这条街上。
A crowd gathered on this street.
- 他被一大群记者包围著。
He was surrounded by a throng of reporters.
- 我们被一大群蜜蜂攻击。
We were attacked by swarms of bees.