- 他应该超过六十岁了。
He must be over sixty.
- 这个图书馆有超过50000册书。
This library has over 50,000 volumes.
- 她不可能超过30岁了。
She cannot be over thirty.
- 她肯定超过80岁了。
She must be over eighty.
- 我已经走了超过四个小时。
I have been walking for over four hours.
- 中国的人口已经超过了十三亿。
The population of China has already exceeded 1.3 billion.
- 他一周的收入不超过50美元。
He earns not more than 50 dollars a week.
- 自行车从右侧超过汽车是不合法的。
It is illegal for bicycles to pass on the right of cars.
- 今年我们公司的发展速度大大超过去年。
This year, the speed of development in our company far exceeds that of last year.
- 上次颳颱风时,风速超过了 200 公里每小时!
In the last typhoon, the wind blew at over 200 kilometers per hour!