- 爱让世界转动。
Love makes the world go round.
- 往右边转动钥匙。
Turn the key to the right.
- 在第一个红绿灯左转。
Turn left at the first light.
- 轮子开始慢慢转动。
The wheel began to roll slowly.
- 忽然天气转为多云。
All of a sudden it became cloudy.
- 天突然转阴了。
All of sudden the sky became overcast.
- 下一个街角左转。
Turn left at the next corner.
- 走过两个街区,然后左转。
Walk two blocks, and turn left.
- 我父亲逐渐好转了。
My father is getting better by degrees.
- 你右边袜子倒转穿了。
You have your right sock on wrong side out.