- 此输入法也适用于这个版本。
The input method also works with this version.
- 我最后还是输了那场官司。
I have lost the case after all.
- 他们作梦也想不到会输掉这场比赛。
Little did they dream of losing the game.
- 我们的队伍输了所有的比赛。
Our team lost all of its games.
- 无论我和你玩甚么遊戏,你也总是输。
Whatever game I play with you, you never win.
- 你要先输入好个人资料,然后才能买票。
To purchase a ticket you need to enter your personal details.
- 大家都以为西园寺会胜出那场决斗的,但他却输了。
Kyouichi Saionji, who he supposed would win the duel, has lost.
- 我们玩过了。我们输了。咱们从新来过吧?
We played. We lost. How about starting it over?
- 他声嘶力竭地叫道:「这场仗,我们不可以输!」
He shouted at the top of his voice, "This is a battle we cannot lose."