认捐表 | rèn juān biǎo | statement of pledges | |
筵席捐 | yán xí juān | tax on a banquet or feast | |
慷慨捐生 | kāng kǎi juān shēng | sacrificing one's life generously (idiom) / to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause | |
苛捐杂税 | kē juān zá shuì | exorbitant taxation (idiom) | |
细大不捐 | xì dà bù juān | not to discard anything, whether small or big (idiom) / all-embracing | |
相对捐助 | | matching contribution | |
应收捐助 | | outstanding contribution | |
应收捐款 | | contributions receivable | |
慈善捐赠 | | charitable giving | |
东京认捐 | | Tokyo Pledge | |
特别捐款 | | special contribution | |
特定捐款 | | specific contribution | |
现金捐助 | | contribution in cash | |
多边捐款 | duō bian juān kuǎn | multilateral contributions | |
滚动捐款 | gǔn dòng juān kuǎn | rolling contribution | |
核心捐款 | hé xīn juān kuǎn | core contributions | |
净捐助国 | jìng juān zhù guó | net contributor country / net contributor | |
器官捐赠 | qì guān juān zèng | organ | |
全身捐赠 | quán shēn juān zèng | body | |
认捐款额 | rèn juān kuǎn é | contribution pledged | |
实物捐赠 | shí wù juān zèng | donation in kind | |
实物捐助 | shí wù juān zhù | contribution-in-kind | |
双边捐款 | shuāng bian juān kuǎn | bilateral contributions | |
未用捐款 | wèi yòng juān kuǎn | unexpended contributions | |
已收捐款 | yǐ shōu juān kuǎn | contributions received | |
政府捐款 | zhèng fǔ juān kuǎn | government contribution | |
政治捐献 | zhèng zhì juān xiàn | political contribution | |
专用捐款 | zhuān yòng juān kuǎn | earmarked contribution | |
自愿捐助 | zì yuàn juān zhù | voluntary contribution | |
援助捐赠国 | | aid donor | |
援助捐赠者 | | aid donor | |
机构捐助者 | | institutional donor | |
无条件捐赠 | | outright grant | |
多年期认捐 | duō nián qī rèn juān | multi-year pledging | |
非专用捐款 | fēi zhuān yòng juān kuǎn | unearmarked contribution | |
器官捐献者 | qì guān juān xiàn zhě | organ donor | |
器官捐赠者 | qì guān juān zèng zhě | organ donor | |
双边捐助者 | shuāng bian juān zhù zhě | bilateral donor | |
税捐稽征处 | Shuì juān Jī zhēng chù | Taipei Revenue Service (tax office) | |
原始捐助者 | yuán shǐ juān zhù zhě | back donor | |
费用分摊捐助 | | cost-sharing contribution | |
自愿现金捐助 | | voluntary contribution in cash | |
大学捐赠基金 | | University Endowment Fund | |
信托基金捐款 | | trust fund contribution | |
教材捐献计划 | | Educational Materials Donations Schemes | |
首次净捐助国 | | first-time net contributor country | |
补充资金捐款 | bǔ chōng zī jīn juān kuǎn | supplementary funding contributions | |
认捐款项状况 | rèn juān kuǎn xiàng zhuàng kuàng | status of contributions pledged | |
自愿实物捐助 | zì yuàn shí wù juān zhù | voluntary contribution in kind / voluntary contribution-in-kind | |
国际捐助者会议 | | International Donors Conference | |
图书馆捐赠基金 | | Library Endowment Fund | |
万圣节募捐运动 | | Halloween Campaign "Trick or Treat" | |
信托基金捐助者 | | funds-in-trust donor | |
联合器官捐赠网 | | United Network for Organ Sharing | |
多方捐助者平台 | duō fāng juān zhù zhě píng tái | multi-donor platform | |
多边-双边捐助者 | | multi-bilateral donors | |
政府对应现金捐助 | | government cash counterpart contribution | |
年度自愿认捐会议 | | annual voluntary pledging conference | |
单边自我维持捐款 | | unilateral self-supporting contributions | |
未编入预算的捐助 | | non-budgeted contribution | |
多方捐助者参访团 | | multi-donor mission | |
部长级捐助国会议 | | Ministerial Donors Conference | |
重建和捐助方协调 | | Reconstruction and Donor Co-ordination | |
结账时为儿童捐款 | | Check out for Children | |
国家和领土的捐助 | | contributions from countries / territories | |
非政府组织的捐助 | | contributions from NGOs. | |
普通账户捐赠基金 | pǔ tòng zhàng hù juān zèng jī jīn | General Account Endowment Fund | |
全国民主捐赠基金 | quán guó mín zhǔ juān zèng jī jīn | National Endowment for Democracy | |
筹资和捐助者关系处 | | Funding and Donor Relations Service | |
乍得捐助者圆桌会议 | | Round-table Conference of Donors to Chad | |
苏丹问题捐助方会议 | | Donors' Conference on Sudan / Oslo Donor's Conference on Sudan | |
联合国和平捐赠基金 | | United Nations Peace Endowment Fund | |
多方捐助者信托基金 | | multi-donor trust fund | |
联合国大学捐赠基金 | lián hé guó dài xué juān zèng jī jīn | United Nations University Endowment Fund | |
欧洲共同体捐助协定 | ōu zhōu gòng tòng tǐ juān zhù xié dìng | European Community Contribution Agreement | |
向莫桑比克捐助者会议 | | Donors Conference for Mozambique | |
不可兑换货币对应捐助 | | Non-convertible Currency Counterpart Contributions | |
莱索托捐助者圆桌会议 | | Lesotho Donor Round Table | |
自愿指示性捐款比额表 | | voluntary indicative scale of contributions | |
良好人道主义捐助做法 | | Good Humanitarian Donorship | |
自愿捐款行政开支账户 | | Voluntary Contributions Administrative Expenses | |
作用日益重要的捐助者 | | ascending contributor | |
联合国捐助者领导小组 | | United Nations Donors Principals Group | |
利用不足的重要捐助国 | | underutilized major donor country | |
世界裁军运动认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the World Disarmament Campaign | |
发展业务活动认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for Operational Activities for Development | |
中美洲平准进口捐税协定 | | Central American Agreement on the Equalization of Import Charges | |
非洲教育捐助者信息系统 | | Donors to African Education Information System | |
用于支付当地费用的捐款 | | contribution towards local costs | |
未充分利用的主要捐助国 | | underutilized major donor countries | |
全球乡村发展捐助者平台 | | Global Donor Platform for Rural Development | |
非洲农业复兴捐助者会议 | | Donors' Meeting on Rehabilitation of Agriculture in Africa | |
联合国发展活动认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities | |
联合国妇女十年认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the United Nations Decade for Women | |
渔业发展捐助者磋商会议 | | Fisheries Development Donor Consultation | |
与捐助者关系和资源调动处 | | Donor Relations and Resource Mobilization Service | |
苏丹问题奥斯陆捐助方会议 | | Donors' Conference on Sudan / Oslo Donor's Conference on Sudan | |
南部非洲紧急抗旱认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa | |
多方捐助者信托基金办公室 | duō fāng juān zhù zhě xìn tuō jī jīn bàn gōng shì | Multi-Donor Trust Fund Office | |
给具体国家或项目的特定捐款 | | country- or project-specific contributions | |
以自愿捐款为资金来源的组织 | | voluntarily funded organization | |
政府对当地办事处费用的捐助 | | government contributions towards local office costs | |
联合国发展活动联合认捐会议 | | United Nations Joint Pledging Conference for Development Activities | |
联合国世界裁军运动认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference for the World Disarmament Campaign | |
区域内海洋科学研究捐赠基金 | qū yù nèi hǎi yáng kē xué yán jiū juān zèng jī jīn | Endowment Fund for Marine Scientific Research in the Area | |
苏丹南方多方捐助者信托基金 | sū dān nán fāng duō fāng juān zhù zhě xìn tuō jī jīn | Southern Sudan Multi-Donor Trust Funds | |
几内亚比绍问题捐助方圆桌会议 | | Donor Round Table on Guinea-Bisseau | |
人道主义捐助的原则和良好做法 | | Principles and Good Practice of Humanitarian Donorship | |
良好人道主义捐助做法国际会议 | | International Meeting on Good Humanitarian Donorship | |
金融部门发展问题捐助者工作组 | | Donor's Working Group on Financial Sector Development | |
联合国儿童基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the United Nations Children's Fund | |
伊拉克重建问题国际捐助者会议 | | International Donors Conference for the Reconstruction of Iraq | |
联合国特别账户捐款利息信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Interest on the Contribution to the United Nations Special Account | |
安哥拉恢复和重建捐助者圆桌会议 | | Round-Table Conference of Donors for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Angola / Brussels Round-Table Conference | |
"海地走向新未来&rdquo国际捐助者会议 | | International Donors' Conference Towards a New Future for Haiti | |
促进小型企业发展捐助机构委员会 | | Committee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise Development | |
1990-1993年人力资源开发方桉捐助者会议 | | Donors' Meeting on the Human Resources Development Programme 1990-1993 | |
联合国非洲运输和通讯十年认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference for the Transport and Communciations Decade in Africa | |
联合国资本发展基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the United Nations Capital Development Fund | |
支持高级监督办公室联合国捐助集团 | | United Nations Donor Group in Support of the High Office of Oversight | |
联合国发展基金和发展方桉认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the United Nations Development Funds and Programmes | |
联合国工业发展基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the United Nations Industrial Development Fund | |
联合国裁军宣传方桉联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference for the United Nations Disarmament Information Programme | |
联合国特别账户日本捐款利息信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Interest on the Japanese Contribution to the United Nations Special Account | |
筱川-救灾协调处预防灾害奖捐赠基金 | | Sasakawa-UNDRO Disaster Prevention Award Endowment Fund | |
荷兰向最不发达国家特别捐款信托基金 | | Trust Fund for Special Netherlands Contribution for the Least Developed Countries | |
援助乍得北部地区恢复捐助者圆桌会议 | | donor round table on assistance in the rehabilitation and of northern Chad | |
联合国儿童基金会联合国特别认捐会议 | | United Nations Special Pledging Conference on the United Nations Children's Fund | |
瑞典政府对残疾人十年的捐款信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Government of Sweden's Contribution to the Decade of Disabled Persons | |
挪威捐助安哥拉Sumbe石油训练中心信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Norwegian Contribution to the Angolan Petroleum Training Centre in Sumbe | |
联合国妇女十年自愿基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women | |