- 我会把钱还给你。
I will pay the money to you.
- 把球丢还给我。
Throw the ball back to me.
- 我一收到钱就马上还给你。
As soon as I get paid I will pay you back.
- 我拿到了他还给我的钱。
I got the money back from him.
- 我把她的字典还给了她。
I gave her her dictionary back.
- 我保证在一个星期內把这盘录影带还给你。
I promise to return this videotape within a week.
- 我一定要在明天前把书还给他。
I must give back the book to him by tomorrow.
- 请把错误改正过来,然后把文件夹还给 Luxemburg 先生。
Correct the mistake and return the file to Mr Luxemburg.