

  • positive (electric.)
  • sun
  • male principle (Taoism)
  • Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1]



  • 你看过这么美的夕吗?
    Have you ever seen such a beautiful sunset?
  • 我们闲时应该出外晒晒太
    We should sometimes expose our bodies to the sun.
  • 这间房照不到很多光。
    This room does not get much sun.
  • 一出来,雾就散了。
    As the sun rose, the fog disappeared.
  • 地球比太小。
    The earth is smaller than the sun.
  • 从海上升起了。
    The sun rose from the sea.
  • 你是我的光。
    You are my sunshine.
  • 我的血型是A型血性。
    My blood type is A positive.
  • 酗酒是导致痿的一个因素。
    Excessive drinking is one of the causes of impotence.
  • 夏日的光照在我们身上。
    The summer sun glared down on us.
Chinese Tones