

  • age
  • length of experience, membership etc



  • 我的妹妹还没到上学的年
    My sister is too young to go to school.
  • 你应该知道不要问小姐的年
    You should know better than to ask a lady her age.
  • 祖父的年比我大五倍。
    My grandfather is five times as old as I am.
  • 人会随着年的增长而更加地玩世不恭。
    People grow more cynical with age.
  • 一辆车八年的车子几乎是毫无价值的。
    An eight-year-old car is almost worthless.
  • 随着人们年的增长,其脑细胞就变得比较没有效率。
    As people get older, their brain cells become less efficient.
  • 他问了我的年、姓名、地址等等。
    He asked me my age, my name, my address, and so forth.
Chinese Tones