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Sports and leisure in Chinese - Lesson 18

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1. Vocabulary


  Word Pinyin Translation  
1 觉得 juéde to think
2 lèi to be tired; tiring; to strain
3 to play (a hand game); to beat; to hit
4 to play (a feet game); to kick
5 tīng to listen; to hear
6 游泳 yóuyǒng to swim; to practice swimming
7 跑步 pǎobù to run; to practice jogging
8 散步 sànbù to walk; to go for a walk
9 跳舞 tiàowǔ to danse


  Word Pinyin Translation  
1 爱好 àihào hobby; pastime
2 zuì the most
3 特别 tèbié particularly
4 常常 chángchang often, frequently
5 差不多 chàbuduō almost
6 zhōu week
7 运动 yùndòng sport 
8 篮球 lánqiú basketball
9 音乐 yīnyuè music
10 足球 zúqiú football; soccer
11 比赛 bǐsài match; competition
12 有的 yǒude some
13 fan
14 也不是 yěbùshì not necessarily

2. Grammar

A. "Being a fan of " with 迷 ‹ mí ›

In Chinese, ‹ mí › is placed just after the noun. This suffix is equivalent to "-phile" in English.

Nom +
  • 我 是 篮球 ‹ Wǒ shì lánqiú mí. ›
    I'm a basketball fan.
  • 我 是 电影 ‹ Wǒ shì diànyǐng mí. ›
    I am a cinephile.

B. "To be doing (something)" with 呢 ‹ ne ›

In a previous lesson, we saw that ‹ zài › can be used in a Chinese sentence to indicate an ongoing action.

‹ ne ›, which is placed at the end of a sentence unlike ‹ zài ›, can have the same use . The words ‹ zài › and 呢 ‹ ne › can be used individually or together in the same sentence.

S (+ 在) + V (+ O) (+ 呢)
  • 踢足球 ‹ Tā zài tī zúqiú ne. ›
    He is playing football.
  • 大卫 爬山。 ‹ Dàwèi zài páshān. ›
    David is hiking.
  • 王丽 游泳 ‹ Wáng Lì yóuyǒng ne. ›
    Wang Li is swimming.

The negative form of this kind of sentence uses ‹ méi › and leave out ‹ ne › systematically.

S + 没(在) + V (+ O)
  • 大卫 没在 看书, 他 看电影 呢。 ‹ Dàwèi méi zài kànshū, tā kàn diànyǐng ne. ›
    David is not reading, he is watching a movie.
  • 游泳。 ‹ Tā méi yóuyǒng. ›
    She is not swimming.

To give a negative answer to a question implying an ongoing action we can simply answer with "没有 ‹ méi yǒu ›".

  • Q: 游泳吗? ‹ Tā zài yóuyǒng ma? ›
    Q: Is she swimming?
    A: 没有。她 在 爬山 呢。 ‹ Méi yǒu. Tā zài páshān ne. ›
    A: No. She is hiking.

Lastly, the phrases indicating an action "in progress" with ‹ zài › et ‹ ne › can take place in the present but also in the past and the future when the moment is precisely indicated.

  • 昨天下午三点 在 看电影。 ‹ Tā zuótiān xiàwǔ sān diǎn zài kàn diànyǐng. ›
    Yesterday at three in the afternoon, he was watching a movie.
  • 明天中午十一点半 吃饭 呢。 ‹ Wǒ míngtiān zhōngwǔ shíyī diǎn bàn chīfàn ne. ›
    Tomorrow at half past eleven, I'll be eating.

C. The structure "每...都 ‹ měi...dōu ›" to express "all"

When using the pronoun ‹ měi › in a Chinese sentence, we almost always use the adverb ‹ dōu ›.

(+ CL) + Noun + + V/Adj
  • 上课。 ‹ Wǒ měitiān dōu shàngkè. ›
    Everyday I go to class.
  • 他们 个 周 爬山。 ‹ Tāmen měi gè zhōu dōu páshān. ›
    Every week, they hike.

D. The superlative 最 ‹ zuì › "the most"

Chinese superlatives like ‹ zuì › are placed before an adjective or sometimes a verb.

S + + Adj/V
  • 喜欢 听 音乐。 ‹ Wǒ zuì xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè. ›
    What I like the most is listening to music.
  • 我的朋友 好。 ‹ Wǒde péngyǒu zuì hǎo. ›
    My friends are the best.

E. Adverb 特别 ‹ tèbié › "particularly"

Used as an adverbe, 特别 ‹ tèbié › is placed before the verb in a Chinese sentence. It can also be placed before an adjective.

S + 特别 + V/Adj
  • 特别 喜欢 看电影。 ‹ Wǒ tèbié xǐhuan kàn diànyǐng. ›
    I particularly like watching movies.
  • 特别 好。 ‹ Tèbié hǎo. ›
    Particularly well.

3. Dialogues

Dialogue N° 1


- 大卫,你的爱好是什么? ‹ Dàwèi, nǐde àihào shì shénme? ›
- 我喜欢上网,喜欢看电影。特别喜欢爬山。 ‹ Wǒ xǐhuan shàngwǎng, xǐhuan kàn diànyǐng. Tèbié xǐhuan páshān. ›
- 你常常爬山吗? ‹ Nǐ chángcháng páshān ma? ›
- 差不多每个周末都爬山。 你呢?你的爱好是什么? ‹ Chàbùduō měi gè zhōumò dōu páshān. Nǐ ne? Nǐde àihào shì shénme? ›
- 我觉得爬山太累。我不喜欢运动。我特别喜欢看书。 Wǒ juédé páshān tài lèi. Wǒ bù xǐhuan yùndòng. Wǒ tèbié xǐhuan kànshū. ›

Translation :

- David, what are your hobbies?
- I like to surf the Internet and watch movies. I especially like mountain hiking.
- Do you often hike (in the mountains)?
- Just about every week. And you, what are your hobbies?
- I think hiking is too tiring. I do not like sports. I mostly like to read.

Dialogue N° 2


- 你最喜欢做什么? ‹ Nǐ zuì xǐhuan zuò shénme? ›
- 我是篮球迷。我喜欢打篮球。 你呢? 你的爱好是什么? ‹ Wǒ shì lánqiú mí. Wǒ xǐhuan dǎ lánqiú. Nǐ ne? Nǐde àihào shì shénme? ›
- 我最喜欢听音乐和游泳。 ‹ Wǒ zuì xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè hé yóuyǒng. ›
- 你的朋友都喜欢游泳吧? ‹ Nǐde péngyǒu dōu xǐhuan yóuyǒng ba? ›
- 也不是。有的喜欢跑步,有的喜欢散步, 有的喜欢跳舞。 ‹ Yěbùshì. Yǒude xǐhuan pǎobù, yǒude xǐhuan sànbù, yǒude xǐhuan tiàowǔ. ›
- 你喜欢篮球比赛吗? ‹ Nǐ xǐhuan lánqiú bǐsài ma? ›
- 不喜欢。看,大卫在踢足球呢。 他跟朋友比赛呢。 ‹ Bù xǐhuan. Kàn, Dàwèi zài tī zúqiú ne. Tā gēn péngyǒu bǐsài ne. ›

Translation :

- What do you like to do most?
- I'm a basketball fan; I like to play basketball. And you? What are your hobbies?
- I especially like listening to music and swim.
- All your friends like swimming, right?
- Not necessarily. Some like to run, others like walking and others dancing.
- Do you like to watch basketball games?
- No ... Look, David is playing football; he is having a game with friends!

4. Exercise

 Answer in Chinese the following questions as precisely as possible:

1. 你每个星期天八点在做什么? ‹ Nǐ měi gè xīngqítiān bā diǎn zài zuò shénme? ›
2. 你喜欢看足球比赛吗? ‹ Nǐ xǐhuan kàn zúqiú bǐsài ma? ›
3. 你的爱好是什么? ‹ Nǐde àihào shì shénme? ›

To be able to do something