放 | fàng | to put / to place / to release / to free / to let go / to let out / to set off (fireworks) | ||
Results beginning with 放 | ||||
放在 | fàng zài | place | ||
放弃 | fàng qì | to renounce / to abandon / to give up | ||
放心 | fàng xīn | to feel relieved / to feel reassured / to be at ease | ||
放下 | fàng xià | to lay down / to put down / to let go of / to relinquish / to set aside / to lower (the blinds etc) | ||
放松 | fàng sōng | to loosen / to relax | ||
放大 | fàng dà | to enlarge / to magnify | ||
放开 | fàng kāi | to let go / to release | ||
放过 | fàng guò | to let off / to let slip by / to let sb get away with sth | ||
放置 | fàng zhì | to put | ||
放出 | fàng chū | to let off / to give out | ||
放手 | fàng shǒu | to let go one's hold / to give up / to have a free hand | ||
放进 | fàng jìn | to put into | ||
放假 | fàng jià | to have a holiday or vacation | ||
放学 | fàng xué | to dismiss students at the end of the school day | ||
放纵 | fàng zòng | to indulge / to pamper / to connive at / permissive / indulgent / self-indulgent / unrestrained / undisciplined / uncultured / boorish | ||
放肆 | fàng sì | wanton / unbridled / presumptuous / impudent | ||
放映 | fàng yìng | to show (a movie) / to screen | ||
放宽 | fàng kuān | to relax (a rule) / to ease (restrictions) / to extend (a time limit) / to let out (a garment) / to expand / to broaden | ||
放飞 | fàng fēi | to allow to fly | ||
放声 | fàng shēng | very loudly / at the top of one's voice | ||
放眼 | fàng yǎn | to survey / to view broadly | ||
放电 | fàng diàn | electrical discharge / (coll.) to lure / to entice | ||
放缓 | fàng huǎn | to slow / to slow down (the pace of) | ||
放慢 | fàng màn | to reduce the pace (of movements, steps etc) | ||
放屁 | fàng pì | to fart / to break wind / to talk nonsense / Utter rubbish! | ||
放射 | fàng shè | to radiate / radioactive | ||
放荡 | fàng dàng | licentious / wanton / morally unrestrained | ||
放任 | fàng rèn | to ignore / to let alone / to indulge | ||
放火 | fàng huǒ | to set on fire / to commit arson / to create a disturbance | ||
放行 | fàng xíng | to let pass | ||
放逐 | fàng zhú | to banish / to deport / to send into exile / to be marooned | ||
放送 | fàng sòng | to broadcast / to announce over loudspeakers | ||
放水 | fàng shuǐ | to turn on the water / to let water out / to throw a game (sports) | ||
放走 | fàng zǒu | to release / to set free / to allow (a person or an animal) to go / to liberate | ||
放人 | fàng rén | release (n. employment) | ||
放牧 | fàng mù | to graze (livestock) / to herd (livestock) | ||
放低 | fàng dī | to lower / to be humble | ||
放养 | fàng yǎng | to raise (livestock or poultry) in an open environment / to breed (fish, bees, silkworms etc) in a suitable environment / to culture (kelp etc) / to release (a captive animal) into the wild | ||
放浪 | fàng làng | unrestrained / dissolute / dissipated / unconventional / immoral / to debauch / to dissipate | ||
放羊 | fàng yáng | to tend a flock of sheep / to let sheep out to pasture / fig. to throw off the reins / to leave sb alone / acting freely and irresponsibly | ||
放贷 | fàng dài | to provide loans | ||
放晴 | fàng qíng | (of weather) to clear up | ||
放权 | fàng quán | to delegate power / to decentralize | ||
放风 | fàng fēng | to allow in fresh air / to allow a prisoner out for exercise / to give out information | ||
放血 | fàng xuè | to let blood (Chinese medicine) / to bleed / to stab sb (slang) | ||
放款 | fàng kuǎn | to lend money (as a commercial loan) | ||
放哨 | fàng shào | to keep watch / to do sentry duty / to be on patrol | ||
放胆 | fàng dǎn | to act boldly | ||
放空 | fàng kōng | to relax completely / to empty one's mind / (finance) to sell short / (of a commercial vehicle) to travel empty (no cargo or passengers) / to deadhead | ||
放气 | fàng qì | to release breath / to deflate / to fart | ||
放毒 | fàng dú | to poison / fig. to spread vicious rumors | ||
放工 | fàng gōng | to knock off work for the day | ||
放诞 | fàng dàn | untrammeled / reckless / wanton | ||
放倒 | fàng dǎo | to knock over / to knock down / to lay flat / to fell / to bring down | ||
放刁 | fàng diāo | to act wickedly / to bully / to make life difficult for sb by unreasonable actions | ||
放告 | fàng gào | to release a statement | ||
放话 | fàng huà | to give orders / to spread news or rumors / to leak certain information intentionally | ||
放还 | fàng huán | to release (a hostage) / to put back in place | ||
放克 | fàng kè | (music) funk (loanword) | ||
放鸟 | fàng niǎo | to stand someone up | ||
放平 | fàng píng | to set level / to lay flat | ||
放枪 | fàng qiāng | to open fire / to shoot a gun | ||
放情 | fàng qíng | to do sth to one's heart's content | ||
放入 | fàng rù | to put in / to insert | ||
放闪 | fàng shǎn | (coll.) (of a couple) to display affection in public or by posting photos on social media | ||
放生 | fàng shēng | to set free a captive animal (in some cases, as an act of Buddhist mercy) | ||
放线 | fàng xiàn | (angling) to play a fish / (kite-flying) to let the string out / (dating) to play the field | ||
放音 | fàng yīn | playback (of recorded sound) | ||
放债 | fàng zhài | to lend money (for interest) / to give credit |
放不下 | fàng bu xià | not to have room to put sth / to be unable to let go | |
放射性 | fàng shè xìng | radioactive | |
放大器 | fàng dà qì | amplifier | |
放大镜 | fàng dà jìng | magnifying glass | |
放风筝 | cheque kiting / kiting | ||
放鞭炮 | fàng biān pào | to set off firecrackers | |
放射线 | fàng shè xiàn | radiation / rays of radiation | |
放射源 | fàng shè yuán | radiation source | |
放射学 | fàng shè xué | radiology | |
放牛班 | fàng niú bān | class of underachievers / dunces' class (Tw) | |
放爆竹 | fàng bào zhú | to set off firecrackers | |
放大炮 | fàng dà pào | to talk big / to shoot one's mouth off | |
放大片 | fàng dà piàn | (Tw) cosmetic contact lens / big eye contact lens / circle contact lens | |
放大纸 | fàng dà zhǐ | enlarging paper (photography) / bromide paper | |
放得下 | fàng de xià | to be able to accommodate / to have room for / to be able to put (sth) down | |
放飞机 | fàng fēi jī | (coll.) to stand sb up / to fail to honor an agreement | |
放鸽子 | fàng gē zi | to stand sb up / to bail on sb | |
放空挡 | fàng kōng dǎng | to coast along in neutral gear (in a car) / (coll.) to go commando | |
放空炮 | fàng kōng pào | (lit.) to fire blank shots / (fig.) to be all talk and no action / to shoot one's mouth off / to make empty promises | |
放牧林 | fàng mù lín | grazed forest | |
放屁虫 | fàng pì chóng | stinkbug | |
放山鸡 | fàng shān jī | free-range chicken | |
放射病 | fàng shè bìng | radiation sickness | |
放射虫 | fàng shè chóng | radiolarian (single-celled animal) | |
放射物 | fàng shè wù | radioactive material | |
放水屁 | fàng shuǐ pì | (coll.) to shart | |
放卫星 | fàng wèi xīng | to launch a satellite / (fig.) (neologism during the Great Leap Forward, c. 1958) to achieve prominent success / (later used sarcastically) to make exaggerated claims / to talk big | |
放学后 | fàng xué hòu | after school | |
放羊娃 | fàng yáng wá | shepherd / shepherd boy | |
放焰口 | fàng yàn kǒu | to feed the starving ghosts (i.e. offer sacrifice to protect the departed spirit) | |
放一马 | fàng yī mǎ | to let (sb) off / to let (sb) get away with sth | |
放映室 | fàng yìng shì | cinema room / viewing room | |
放在心上 | fàng zài xīn shàng | to care about / to take seriously / to take to heart | |
放在眼里 | fàng zài yǎn lǐ | to pay attention to / to care about / to attach importance to | |
放荡不羁 | fàng dàng bù jī | wanton and unrestrained (idiom) / dissolute | |
放射治疗 | fàng shè zhì liáo | radiotherapy | |
放任自流 | fàng rèn zì liú | to let sb do whatever they want / to indulge / to give free reins to / to let things slide / to drift aimlessly / laissez-faire | |
放诞不羁 | fàng dàn bù jī | wanton and unrestrained (idiom) / dissolute | |
放诞不拘 | fàng dàn bù jū | wanton and unrestrained (idiom) / dissolute | |
放浪不羁 | fàng làng bù jī | wanton and unrestrained (idiom) / dissolute | |
放浪形骸 | fàng làng xíng hái | to abandon all restraint (idiom) | |
放马后炮 | fàng mǎ hòu pào | to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom) / to act too late to be effective | |
放情丘壑 | fàng qíng qiū hè | to enjoy oneself in nature's embrace (idiom) | |
放弃要求 | disclaimer | ||
放大因子 | amplification factor / magnification factor | ||
放弃豁免 | waive an immunity (v) | ||
放牧容量 | grazing capacity | ||
放空燃烧 | flaring | ||
放人单位 | releasing office | ||
放不下心 | fàng bu xià xīn | cannot stop worrying | |
放大倍数 | fàng dà bèi shù | magnifying power / magnification | |
放开手脚 | fàng kāi shǒu jiǎo | to have free rein (idiom) | |
放马过来 | fàng mǎ guò lái | bring it on! / give me all you got! | |
放慢脚步 | fàng màn jiǎo bù | to ease up the pace / to slow things down | |
放慢速度 | fàng màn sù dù | to ease up the pace / to slow things down | |
放牧极限 | fàng mù jí xiàn | grazing capacity | |
放热反应 | fàng rè fǎn yìng | exothermic reaction | |
放任政策 | fàng rèn zhèng cè | laissez-faire policy / non-interference | |
放热系统 | fàng rè xì tǒng | thermal protection system | |
放射防护 | fàng shè fáng hù | radiological defense | |
放射疗法 | fàng shè liáo fǎ | radiotherapy | |
放声大哭 | fàng shēng dà kū | to burst into tears / to sob loudly / to bawl | |
放射卫生 | fàng shè wèi shēng | radiation hygiene / radiohygiene | |
放射性碘 | fàng shè xìng diǎn | radioactive iodine | |
放射作战 | fàng shè zuò zhàn | radiological operations | |
放手一搏 | fàng shǒu yī bó | to put one's all into the fight | |
放松管制 | fàng sōng guǎn zhì | deregulation | |
放松制裁 | fàng sōng zhì cái | easing of sanctions | |
放下包袱 | fàng xia bāo fu | to lay down a heavy burden | |
放下身段 | fàng xià shēn duàn | to get off one's high horse (idiom) / to dispense with posturing (and adopt a more humble or empathetic attitude) | |
放养鱼类 | fàng yǎng yú lèi | fish stocking | |
放烟幕弹 | fàng yān mù dàn | to spread a smokescreen | |
放眼望去 | fàng yǎn wàng qù | as far as the eye can see | |
放射性元素 | fàng shè xìng yuán sù | radioactive element | |
放射虫软泥 | radiolarian ooze | ||
放射性污水 | radioactive effluent | ||
放射剂量率 | radiation dose rate | ||
放宽的条件 | enhanced terms | ||
放电加工机 | fàng diàn jiā gōng jī | Electrical Discharge Machine | |
放射能预算 | fàng shè néng yù suàn | radiative energy budget | |
放射生成物 | fàng shè shēng chéng wù | radiogenic material |
Approximate Results for 放 | ||||
播放 | bō fàng | to broadcast / to transmit | ||
开放 | kāi fàng | to bloom / to open / to be open (to the public) / to open up (to the outside) / to be open-minded / unrestrained by convention / unconstrained in one's sexuality | ||
解放 | jiě fàng | to liberate / to emancipate / liberation / refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949 / CL:次[ci4] | ||
释放 | shì fàng | to release / to set free / to liberate (a prisoner) / to discharge | ||
发放 | fā fàng | to provide / to give / to grant | ||
存放 | cún fàng | to deposit / to store / to leave in sb's care | ||
投放 | tóu fàng | to input / to throw in / to unload / to put into circulation | ||
排放 | pái fàng | emission / discharge / exhaust (gas etc) | ||
摆放 | bǎi fàng | to set up / to arrange / to lay out | ||
绽放 | zhàn fàng | to blossom | ||
回放 | huí fàng | to replay / to play back | ||
缩放 | suō fàng | scaling / resizing / zoom (graphics) | ||
奔放 | bēn fàng | bold and unrestrained / untrammeled | ||
停放 | tíng fàng | to park (a car etc) / to moor (a boat etc) / to leave sth (in a place) | ||
施放 | shī fàng | to fire / to discharge / to release (fireworks, smokescreen, poison gas, virus etc) | ||
堆放 | duī fàng | to pile up / to stack | ||
拖放 | tuō fàng | drag-and-drop (computing) | ||
安放 | ān fàng | to lay / to place / to put in a certain place | ||
下放 | xià fàng | to delegate / to decentralize / to demote a party cadre to work on the shop floor or in the countryside | ||
豪放 | háo fàng | bold and unconstrained / powerful and free | ||
流放 | liú fàng | to exile / to banish / to deport / to float (logs) downstream | ||
怒放 | nù fàng | in full bloom | ||
粗放 | cū fàng | extensive / expansive / large-scale | ||
燃放 | rán fàng | to light / to set off (firecrackers etc) | ||
狂放 | kuáng fàng | wild / unrestrained | ||
录放 | lù fàng | to record and play (audio, video) | ||
寄放 | jì fàng | to leave sth with sb | ||
陈放 | chén fàng | to display | ||
倒放 | dào fàng | to turn upside down / to upend | ||
多放 | duō fàng | add extra (of a spice etc) | ||
码放 | mǎ fàng | to pile up / to stack up | ||
牧放 | mù fàng | cattle grazing | ||
铺放 | pū fàng | to display | ||
齐放 | qí fàng | broadside / simultaneous fired cannonade | ||
少放 | shǎo fàng | to add less (of a spice etc) | ||
疏放 | shū fàng | eccentric / self-indulgent / free and unconventional (written style) / unbuttoned | ||
颓放 | tuí fàng | decadent / dissolute / degenerate | ||
外放 | wài fàng | extroverted / outgoing / to play audio through speakers (rather than through earphones) / (old) to appoint to a post outside the capital | ||
系放 | xì fàng | to tag (an animal, for scientific research) / to band (a bird) | ||
野放 | yě fàng | to release (an animal) into the wild | ||
置放 | zhì fàng | to put / to place | ||
纵放 | zòng fàng | undisciplined / untrammeled / to indulge |
解放军 | Jiě fàng jūn | People's Liberation Army (PRC armed forces) | |
开放性 | kāi fàng xìng | openness | |
解放后 | jiě fàng hòu | after liberation (i.e. after the Communist's victory) / after the establishment of PRC in 1949 | |
排放量 | pái fàng liáng | discharge | |
播放机 | bō fàng jī | player (e.g. CD player) | |
沈国放 | Shěn Guó fàng | Shen Guofang (1952-), PRC assistant minister of foreign affairs (2003-2005) | |
排放权 | emission rights | ||
零排放 | zero emission | ||
排放管 | discharge pipe | ||
净排放 | net emissions | ||
发放点 | point of distribution | ||
拆放款 | chāi fàng kuǎn | funds on call / invested sum that can be cashed | |
单放机 | dān fàng jī | tape player / video player / (media) player / play-only device | |
解放区 | Jiě fàng qū | Liberation city district / Jiefang district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan | |
解放日 | Jiě fàng rì | Liberation Day / cf Japan's surrender on 15th August 1945, celebrated as Liberation Day in Korea | |
排放物 | pái fàng wù | discharge | |
再放养 | zài fàng yǎng | restocking / repopulation | |
改革开放 | gǎi gé kāi fàng | to reform and open to the outside world / refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980 | |
解放日报 | Jiě fàng Rì bào | Liberation Daily, www.jfdaily.com | |
排放标准 | emission standard / emission requirement | ||
心花怒放 | xīn huā nù fàng | to burst with joy (idiom) / to be over the moon / to be elated | |
百花齐放 | bǎi huā qí fàng | a hundred flowers bloom (idiom) / let the arts have free expression | |
解放战争 | Jiě fàng Zhàn zhēng | War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 / under Mao Zedong 毛澤東|毛泽东 / took over from the Nationalists 國民政府|国民政府 / under Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石 | |
杀人放火 | shā rén fàng huǒ | to kill and burn (idiom) / murder and arson | |
大放厥词 | dà fàng jué cí | to prattle on self-importantly (idiom) | |
自由放任 | zì yóu fàng rèn | laissez-faire | |
大鸣大放 | dà míng dà fàng | (idiom) to freely air one's views / to be heard far and wide / to attract a lot of attention | |
大放悲声 | dà fàng bēi shēng | to wail loudly and mournfully (idiom) | |
大放厥辞 | dà fàng jué cí | great release of talk (idiom) / to spout nonsense | |
含苞待放 | hán bāo dài fàng | in bud / budding | |
摩顶放踵 | mó dǐng fàng zhǒng | to rub one's head and heels (idiom) / to slave for the benefit of others / to wear oneself out for the general good | |
轻饶素放 | qīng ráo sù fàng | easily forgive, simply release (idiom) / to let sb off scot free | |
无的放矢 | wú dì fàng shǐ | to shoot without aim (idiom) / fig. to speak without thinking / firing blindly / to shoot in the air / a shot in the dark | |
低碳排放 | low-carbon emission | ||
解放儿童 | Free the Children / Kids Can Free the Children | ||
排放控制 | emission control | ||
极地放大 | polar amplification | ||
人为排放 | anthropogenic emission | ||
排放速度 | discharge rate / emission rate / rate of emission / rate of discharge | ||
排放速率 | discharge rate / emission rate / rate of emission / rate of discharge | ||
释放地点 | release site | ||
排放性能 | emission performance | ||
热解排放 | pyrogenic emission | ||
中放废物 | intermediate-level waste / medium level waste | ||
排放管制 | emission controls | ||
排放信用 | emissions credit | ||
排放限值 | emission limit value | ||
排放记录 | record of discharge / discharge record | ||
抽放效率 | outflow yield / drainage efficiency | ||
低排放区 | low emission zone | ||
意外排放 | incidental emission | ||
排放因子 | emission factor | ||
排放配额 | emission quota | ||
扩散排放 | diffuse emission | ||
排放规范 | emission standard / emission requirement | ||
安放龙骨 | keel laying | ||
安全释放 | ān quán shì fàng | safety of releases | |
被迫放弃 | bèi pò fàng qì | forced abandonment | |
播放播客 | bō fàng bō kè | podcasting | |
播放列表 | bō fàng liè biǎo | playlist | |
朝日放送 | Cháo rì Fàng sòng | Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) | |
粗放耕作 | cū fàng gēng zuò | extensive cropping | |
大放光明 | dà fàng guāng míng | to shine brightly / (fig.) to show promise / to be on the up and up | |
大放异彩 | dà fàng yì cǎi | to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment) / to demonstrate extraordinary talent or skill | |
独放异彩 | dú fàng yì cǎi | to project singular splendor or radiance / to perform brilliantly | |
废气排放 | fèi qì pái fàng | exhaust emission | |
光放大器 | guāng fàng dà qì | optical | |
过度放牧 | guò duó fàng mù | overgrazing | |
核放生化 | hé fàng shēng huà | nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical | |
交保释放 | jiāo bǎo shì fàng | to release sb on bail | |
解放运动 | jiě fàng yùn dòng | liberation movement | |
解放组织 | jiě fàng zǔ zhī | liberation organization | |
紧咬不放 | jǐn yǎo bù fàng | (idiom) unwilling to let go / like a dog with a bone / dogged | |
开放道路 | kāi fàng dào lù | open route | |
开放登记 | kāi fàng dēng jì | open registry | |
开放系统 | kāi fàng xì tǒng | open system | |
开放源码 | kāi fàng yuán mǎ | open source (computing) | |
可扩放性 | kě kuò fàng xìng | scalability | |
临时释放 | lín shí shì fàng | pre-trial release / release pending trial / provisional release from custody | |
门户开放 | mén hù kāi fàng | open door policy / Egyptian President Sadat's infitah policy towards investment and relations with Israel | |
强迫放逐 | qiǎng pò fàng zhú | forced relocation / forced deportation | |
权力下放 | quán lì xià fàng | decentralization | |
取保释放 | qǔ bǎo shì fàng | to be released on bail (law) | |
燃放鞭炮 | rán fàng biān pào | to set off fire crackers | |
生物放大 | shēng wù fàng dài | biomagnification | |
释放出狱 | shì fàng chū yù | to release from jail | |
投放市场 | tóu fàng shì chǎng | to put sth on the market | |
野外放养 | yě wài fàng yǎng | free-range (breeding livestock or poultry) | |
医用放射 | yī yòng fàng shè | medical radiation | |
有的放矢 | yǒu dì fàng shǐ | lit. to have a target in mind when shooting one's arrows (idiom) / fig. to have a clear objective | |
有屁快放 | yǒu pì kuài fàng | spit it out! / out with it! | |
朝日放送 | Zhāo rì Fàng sòng | Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) | |
抓大放小 | zhuā dà fàng xiǎo | (PRC, mid-1990s) to restructure the large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) controlled by the central government and privatize smaller SOEs at the local level | |
自我放逐 | zì wǒ fàng zhú | self-imposed exile | |
人民解放军 | rén mín jiě fàng jūn | People's Liberation Army | |
开放源代码 | kāi fàng yuán dài mǎ | see 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3] | |
开弓不放箭 | kāi gōng bù fàng jiàn | lit. to draw the bow without shooting the arrow (idiom) / fig. to bluff / to be all talk and no action / false bravado | |
人均排放量 | per capita emission | ||
低排放技术 | low-emission technology | ||
基线排放量 | baseline emissions | ||
消退排放量 | recession discharge | ||
枯竭排放量 | recession discharge | ||
无组织排放 | fugitive emission | ||
排放权交易 | bubble trade | ||
向水中排放 | open water dumping | ||
排放许可证 | emission permit | ||
生物源排放 | biogenic emission | ||
初次发放表 | initial scale of issue / initial issue / initial stock scaling / initial supply |